Medscape app for Android™ now available! Medscape from WebMD is the MOST COMPREHENSIVE, FREE medical app available for healthcare professionals.OUR APP INCLUDES:-Fast & Comprehensive Drug Reference, including herbals and supplements-Powerful Drug Interaction Checker
Body Dots Lite shows the dots of the face, hands and feet. After a brief massage of these dots, your body will take a fresh look. You can massage your dots every single day
Dorland’s Medical Dictionary provides authoritative, concise definitions for a wide range of terms used in the health sciences, including anatomy, physiology, diseases, drugs, tests and procedures and much more
MSDict Oxford Concise Medical Dictionary (Android)- This dictionary provides full coverage of all the important terms and concepts used in medicine today
Herbs of Tradition & Supplements Herbal health remedies, Vitamins, Dietary supplements, Symptoms that indicate use, and possible side effects -- all in a convenient package for informational purposes
BEIKS Medical Diagnoses and Codes Glossary for Android is a free DSM-IV diagnoses and codes glossary for Android based devices. It features over 400 codes related to their diagnoses meaning(s). Enter a code to get the corresponding diagnose(s)
Guide Homeopathie - Homeopathie.Com vous propose les fiches de son site disponible a la consultation sans connexion a internet.
Cree par le docteur Hahnemann au 18eme siecle, l'homeopathie est une methode therapeutique qui vise a soigner l'etre humain en lui administrant des doses infinitesimales de remedes entierement naturels
Food additives (E numbers) - Nowadays the structure of the majority of the foodstuff includes different additives (E numbers). Many of them are harmful for human organism. This Android application provides you with detailed information about each food additive and makes the choice of the goods while purchasing easier