Memorable Mothers - Without mothers, we literally wouldn’t exist. Mothers give birth to us, change our diapers, make us peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with the crusts cut off, put Band-Aids on our boo boos, help us with our homework, proofread our college applications, and teach us to be functioning members of society
Best Street Artists In The World - Street art has come in leaps and bounds in the last few years and there seems to be no ends to the creativity and imagination of the world’s street artists. To celebrate this, here are the best street art works for 2014
Zero Dean mobile - Zero Dean mobile provides free, streamlined, ad-free access to all-original content by motivational writer, artist, humorist, and photographer, Zero Dean. Content includes: Zerosophy: Original written works, art & photos to motivate, encourage, challenge & inspire
CE Inspired - I believe you were meant for greatness. This is my inspiration behind CE Inspired! I developed this mobile app to share my inspiration with the world! Inspirational blog app for anyone who desires personal greatness
Biggest Man Made Environmental Disasters - Our environment has been the victim of all sorts of attacks. Some of these attacks are natural such as hurricanes and earthquakes. However, there are attacks that are unnatural and man made such as wars, explosions, chemical spills, etc
Incredible People With Real Superpowers - Did you know that people with real superpowers actually exist? People who possess incredible sight, stamina, and durability. But that’s not all
Most Popular Animals - We love animals there’s no denying it. But besides searching for Grumpy Cat or adorable pugs, we spend a lot of our time on the internet searching for animals. In this list, we bring you the most popular animals searched for or trending in the United States on Google from 2014 and also include some fun facts you can tell your friends
Most Influential People in the World - On Thursday, Time magazine released its Most Influential People in the World list for 2015, which features everyone from politicians to comedians to pop culture icons. Among this year's influencers are Kanye West, Bradley Cooper, Taylor Swift, Laverne Cox, Reese Witherspoon, Kevin Hart, and Kim Kardashian
Fastest Things Known To Man - From the beginning of time we have dedicated countless hours to making everything from our food to our spaceships go just a little bit faster. We are obsessed with speed, and even the rate at which we break our own records is astounding. So get reading
QuoteScope - Get inspired and motivated by the wisdom of the wise, and the experience of ages, preserved by quotation. Each day, different wise and inspiring quotes are displayed distributed in horoscope format. "Employ your time in improving yourself by other men's writings so that you shall come easily by what others have labored hard for