MiniME is a light weight J2ME library that lets you build games and advanced UI.
· a resource manager to easily import and use Image and Text.
· event manager to ease communication between view and different component of the library.
· a set a predefined UI component, such as Label, EditField, RadioButton group, CheckBox group, to build UI
db4o - db4o is the open source object database that enables Java and .NET developers to slash development time and costs and achieve unprecedented levels of performance
Algolight is a programming language that can be used to implement simple mathematical algorithms that operate on variables, vectors and matrices, and includes controls for loops, while loops and if / else structures. The program can also be used as a simple calculator, it supports some trigonometric functions, roots, and logical expressions and relation symbols
Kuix is an extensible and fully customizable JavaME UI framework that enables high end application development.
Wide devices compatibility
From the beginning, maximizing compatibility level has lead the development of Kuix and it results today in a wide range of supported devices. Basically, Kuix is compliant with CLDC 1.0 and MIDP 2.0
MoMEUnit - MoMEUnit is an instance of the xUnit architecture for unit testing of J2ME applications. It is derived from well known JUnit framework. It is only CLDC 1.1 complied.
This framework overcomes lack of reflection API in J2ME MIDP API and supports such main features of JUnit framework as:
- Ease of development and run of tests
W3DGL - This library (distributed as .java file) combines the essential features of mobile 3D graphics in a very small engine so searching standard features in the huge API is obsolete. You create Triangles and Quads, which only require three (four) vectors and an image object (for texturing) as arguments, and add them to an instance of Engine
JJOS is an experimental and educational shell application with extensible functionality. Good for beginner programmers, or simply for curious people. The shell supports cascaded commands, which helps user to type much less and act efficiently. Some useful features are: arithmetic calculations, saving pretty much anything in records, sending over TCP connection