Locago delivers - map/local search app with directions and gps support. Browse business listings and traffic info, Wikipedia articles, geotagged images, weather forecasts, touristic webcams on a map in your phone. And you can create new layers with your content, just like making map mashups on the web but for mobile phones. Map layers include Booli, Eniro, Foreca, Google, MarineTraffic, Nestoria, Panoramio, Qype, Riksantikvarieämbetet, Tele Atlas, Twitter, Västtrafik, WCities and Yahoo and more. Stream or downloads maps with the MapLoader.
Locago let's you browse detailed maps covering North America and Europe, search for addresses and create directions for car or pedestrians. Locago supports both internal and bluetooth GPS. The map engine is using highly compressed vector data and is much more efficient than alternatives using images for maps. Locago runs on most phones with Java, for a full list visit our list of http://www.locago.com/site/SupportedPhones/ supported phones.
Many exciting layers are already available in Locago. Here's a selection, go and pick your favorites! Browse Wikipedia articles, geotagged images from Flickr and Panaramio, travel guides from WCities, houses for sale from Nestoria, business listing from Yahoo! and Eniro, weather forecasts from Foreca, keep track on friends with Yahoo Fire Eagle, prominent buildings from Tele Atlas, and much more!
Not enough layers? Why not use Locago to build your own custom map service? Sign in and publish your favorite geographic data using the open API of Locago, documentation and examples are available at www.locago.com
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Requirements:MIDP 2.0, CLDC 1.1
Supported operating systems:
Java ME, Java Nokia 240x320, Java SE 240x320
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Locago Locago is a map/local search app that gives you directions, gps support and lots of content. Browse Wikipedia, Flickr images, weather forecasts, city guides and worldwide webcams. Or use the open API to create new cool layers