SmokeSMSer can be used by a person who quits or is quitting smoking to report smoking times via SMS. Set your doctor/nurse SMS settings and tap the button if you smoke
Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary 20th edition developed by Medical Wizards and based on F.A. Davis’s best selling book, is now available on PDA. It defines nearly 50% more terms than any other medical dictionary, with over 56,000 entries (including 2,400 new terms)
Hangover Remedy (Palm OS) - Acupressure is an effective way to relieve painful sensation associated with hangovers. This guide by Aaron Stein, PhD, is based on over 5,000 years of Chinese practice of self-acupressure
· Step-by-step guide to relieving hangovers.
· Every step explains point location, direction of force, and duration of massage
Quickly determine an initial diagnoses of an Axis-I or Axis-II psychological disorder.
Accurately determine a clients course of action with this easy to use, flexible software for all Pocket PC and Windows Mobile 5.0 PDAs. IPDA-II is a versatile instrument for evaluating individuals suspected of having a psychological disorder
WW Points Calculator for HanDBase - Calculate the points of any food with this handy Weight Watcher Points Calculator. Functions just like the slide rule given at the Weight Watchers Meetings. Must enter the calories, grams of protein, and any grams of fiber to get the number of points per serving
CPR! Recent studies have shown that if not practiced frequently the procedure and rhythm of correct CPR are easily forgotten. Using an electronic device can improve the procedure of CPR significantly.
The objective of this software program is to be a reminder for those who have already been trained in CPR
DietingSMSer allows you to update your doctor/nurse of the times when you eat while you are on a diet and also what foods you have eaten. When you eat a food tap the button to create a blank SMS and enter the foods eaten into the SMS. Your caregiver can use this to track your foods
qdCAS - You can use it for any kind of numeric or exact symbolic computation (Polynomial arithmetic, Linear algebra and matrix arithmetic, Derivivative and Integrals, Ordinary differential equations, Limits, series expansion, Probability and statistics)
PeeTwitterer allows you to log/publish the times when you pee to your account. The program has a timer that displays the total time since you last peed and when you tap the button the program will also report the total time since the last pee in the tweet. This service is provided by Twitter