Pocket PC Movie List - With more than 31,000 entries on movies, actors, actresses, directors, producers, writers and movie characters, PDA Movie List is the ideal movie guide while on the go.
No matter what kind of movies you like, learning interesting facts about your favorite movie or actor with PDA Movie List and the DEPReader is a breeze. A single tap is enough to display all the movies in which an actor stars or to find all the people involved in a movie.
· Over 31,000 entries, including information on movies, actors, actresses, directors, producers, writers and movie characters.
· Detailed movie information such as tagline, runtime, directors, writers, cast, producers and more.
· Personal data and complete filmography of actors and those working behind the camera.
· Special search features with the DEPReader dictionary provides instant lookup from the lookup field and various searches such as error tolerance and crossword search.
· Hyperlink cross references provides one tap access from the description references to other movies and people.
· High data compression with the use of unique algorithms.
· High speed of decompression
· Supports the Latest Pocket PC PDA Models
What's New in This Release:
· 84,000 entries. Plot descriptions added.
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Supported operating systems:
Pocket PC 2002, Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 5.0
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