Connect your SonyEricsson phone via cable, bluetooth or infrared and you'll be surprised how easy and efficient you can manage your phone with this compact software. Since its first appearance MyPhoneExplorer evolved into the most popular freeware tool for SE-phones and is constantly extended by new features
ZaxMidlet is a Z-Machine Interpreter for Blackberry and other J2ME phones that support MIDP2.0 and file access. It is based on Zax 0.91. It should play V1-5,7,8 Infocom and Inform games
PC emulator written in Java x86 PC emulator written entirely in Java. JPC creates a virtual computer upon which you can install your favorite operating system in a safe, flexible and powerful way
JPC is an x86 PC emulator written entirely in Java. JPC creates a virtual computer upon which you can install your favorite operating system in a safe, flexible and powerful way
OpenLAPI is most commonly used to access Bluetooth GPS devices from mobile devices, whilst retaining a high level of source code compatibility with JSR-179. OpenLAPI also has a range of backends for emulating location in development environments, making it a popular tool for J2ME developers
MobileZX is a ZX Spectrum 48K Emulator for J2ME (Java 2 Micro Edition) devices. ZX-Spectrum 48 (AKA Speccy) was a very popular home computer in the 80's and it was based on a Zilog-Z80 3.58Mhz CPU.
What's New in This Release:
· Minor bug fix which improves the contrast between normal and bright colours
MobileUnixJ2ME is an open source project written in J2ME. It implements on mobile phones a terminal Unix-like, a Python interpreter, a RMS-filesystem, a GUI and a lot of Unix-like commands
DROS - enables the user to relive the glory days of 80s computing on their mobile phone
· DOS like command shell providing a set of simple commands such as copy, move, delete and list