Sailing Scorecard - For more information and a free demo, please visit our website.
There are two Sailing Scorecard applications (included in the one installation file); the Pocket PC Sailing Scorecard and the Desktop PC Sailing Scorecard.
Both calculate an adjusted time for each yacht in a race, based on their time and handicap.
This may be done at the finish mark to give the race results.
Adjusted times can also be easily calculated at each mark so the user knows (based on adjusted time) where they're placed in the fleet at every mark! With the Pocket PC vesion, because of its portability, this is made very easy.
This data can be analysed and used to improve racing performance.
Race details, including the date and time of the race can be set up before the Race begins.
The handicaps of each yacht can also be set up before the race.
Such yacht details can be saved to a 'Yachts' file (*.ycht) and used again in future races.
Race details are saved to a 'Sailing' file (*.slng)
The Race screen includes a countdown timer which emits warnings at predefined intervals.
When the coundown timer reaches 0:00 the start time is set at that time of the day.
The elapsed race time is calculated based on the difference between the current time and the race start time.
This means the PC (pocket or desktop) can be turned off if required as it is not required to count up the duration of the race at all times.
As each yacht rounds a mark, it may be selected and one button clicked to record its actual mark rounding time.
For all yachts, the following information may be displayed:
At each mark, for all yachts, the following information may be displayed:
- Time
- Place
- Adjusted Time
- Adjusted Place
Changes can be saved to the Sailing file, and all changes are automatically backed up to a backup file (*.slbk) every minute.
Note: Changes can be undone!
The Race details, including the above statistics and the details set up before the Race, are automatically inserted into the Race report that can be saved to Web or Excel format.