Lingvo Talking Dictionary 2008 English - Italian - Lingvo Dictionary for Pocket PC travels wherever you go. Employing the latest linguistic developments, Lingvo Dictionary delivers instant bi-directional translation of all the words and phrases in its massive database
Lingvo Talking Dictionary 2008 German - Italian - Lingvo Dictionary for Pocket PC travels wherever you go. Employing the latest linguistic developments, Lingvo Dictionary delivers instant bi-directional translation of all the words and phrases in its massive database
Lingvo Words 2008 German - Italian will help you memorize thousands of foreign words quickly.
Now your handheld can be twice as functional: it lets you expand your vocabulary as you play and make use of free time
LingvoSoft English - Italian Dictionary is an instant bilingual translation solution for your handheld. It brings together the most complete databases and accuracy with superior processing ability.
The Dictionary is a component of LingvoSoft Suite, which also combines a PhraseBook and the FlashCards learning application
LingvoSoft English - Italian Professional Suite 2008 is a comprehensive professional-level multilingual solution available only from LingvoSoft.
A unique collection of our most popular and useful applications that are Windows Mobile 6