Free Java MIDlet for mobiles that helps you know when it is ok to call your relatives and friends living all around the world in different timezones, and when better not to call because it is night there
Kana - Kana is a free Java MIDlet for mobile phones that enables you to learn Japanese Hiragana characters and allows to convert strings in Latin script to Hiragana.
Because of very modest requirements (it only requires MIDP 1.0/CLDC 1.0) it should run on practically any Java-enabled mobile phone that has about 60 kB free memory to store the MIDlet
TouchCalc is a free, simple and easy-to-use calculator for UIQ3 phones.
On a touchscreen phone like the SE P1i, it sports really large buttons that you can tap with your fingers without problems, if you like to do so
MoStacks is a data management freeware (a "database") for the Symbian UIQ3 smartphones inspired by Apple's then-revolutionary HyperCard program. It has many features in common with traditional database applications, but goes beyond them in several respects