Weather NOW - Weather updates for ALL the cities of the world.
current temperature , clouds , wind speeds.
best for planning trips to other cities.
forecast for the upcoming days.
best and the only app to provide such a wide variety of cities all over the world
HavaTar - Developed by Huseyin Bodur
"HavaTar" application is written in Turkish language.This application displays weather information of many cities in Turkey.
Application uses weather data of Turkey's Institute of Meteorology.
"HavaTar" uygulamasi Turkce dilinde yazilmistir.Uygulama,Turkiyedeki bircok sehrin hava durumu bilgisini gosterir
Weather It - Developed by Huseyin Bodur
This application shows detailed weather information of many of capital.
App is using Yahoo weather information.
In application,there are twenty-five of the capital weather information.
Users can easily see the weather information of many of the capital
StormGlass - StormGlass is a customizable weather live tile application for WP7. You can use the "Tiles" page to populate upto 5 live weather tiles, each with it's own settings. All live tiles will update once every 30 minutes. You can also customize what information you want to see on a tile by selecting a layout to use
Weather_Cities - This is a nice app that gives you data about the forecast in every major cities around the world.
you can search by the City and Country, and get many deatails such as: time, Temperature,Visibility and Relative Humidity
Storm Tracer - Developed by Ronchristian Gruspe
This application gets the latest satellite feed from PAGASA. It also gets tweets from PAGASA's official Twitter account, @dost_pagasa as well as MMDA (@mmda), Philippine Red Cross (@philredcross), and DepEd (@deped_ph).
A list of emergency numbers is also included