RGB Finder is a simple game based on the color RGB components.
Will you be able to find the exact values of the RGB (Red, Green and Blue) components of a randomly generated color? When you think that the values are correct, test them and you will know how much close you are to the correct ones
RattleSnakePocket PCVersion: Upload date: 26 Jul 12 Tags: Games
Rattle Snake
Bomb DefuserPocket PCVersion: Upload date: 20 Aug 11 Tags: Games
Bomb defuser is a fast-paced reaction game where you have to defuse the red glowing bombs by touching them.
It is ideal for short breaks
AirShowPocket PCVersion: Upload date: 31 Jul 11 Tags: Games
AirShow - Airshow 2011 is a game that promotes international air shows "Airshow 2011" held in Radom, Poland.
More information at: http://www.airshow.sp.mil.pl/en
The essence of the game consists in guiding your plane so that it flew in designated track. Fly in the clouds and shoot balloons. Remember to hurry because your score is divided by flight time
Optical Illusions Free - The #1 paid optical illusion app is now available free! Optical Illusions is a collection of 31 amazing optical illusions (images, video, and animated images
Color me right - Do you like colors? Do you think you can recreate any color with the RGB (red, green & blue) color model? Well try this little game!
Each round consists of a random color, you have to pay attention because when you click ready you will have to recreate it by modulating three different values
Random Numbers - Whether you want some lucky numbers for the lottery or you need to roll a dice, Random Numbers is the app for you. Create profiles of number sets with any combination of number definitions and generate your lucky numbers by shaking your phone.
* Shake your phone to generate numbers.
* Generate unique numbers within a set
Shake ExtremePocket PCVersion: Upload date: 16 May 13 Tags: Games
Shake Extreme - Developed by Via MS Phils
Shake Extreme
Calculate your shaking skills with Shake Extreme! Shake your Windows Phone 7 and beat the Master Shaker! Shake Extreme is a game that counts the number of shakes that a player can do in 10 seconds. The highest number of shakes will then be crowned as the Master Shaker
Building3DPocket PCVersion: Upload date: 21 Oct 12 Tags: Games