Mobile CricketCast for Windows Mobile 2003 Smartphone - Never miss the action while on the move! Follow Cricket games anywhere, anytime! Catch the latest score! Get live text commentary from Cricinfo pushed to your phone with every ball
SmaryoMessenger(SmartPhone) Bluetooth - How to install?
Desktop (notebook):
Double Click this file PCSmaryoMessenger.msi.
Pocket pc:
1.Copy to your pocket pc.
2.Click on your pocket pc.
Smartphone 2003
1.Copy to your Smartphone.
2.Click on your Smartphone
Sqij - Push Email (Smartphone) - This applet lets you receive real-time notification when you receive your (POP) email. You can configure an audible alarm, of any sound you like, to be played when you receieve an email. You can also opt to receive the first, say, 5 lines of the email, along with the subject and sender
Pinnasoft Call Assistant - It is useful in situations when answering a phone call is either impolite or impossible. The user has the convenient control over what content is sent and which phone numbers to auto-reply. For example, send "I am in a meeting, please try later." to a selected list of mobile phones
Keep Bluechattin' - FREEWARE! Keep Bluechattin'' is a free, simple, Bluetooth-chatting (Bluechat) application. It allows you to initiate chat with virtually any Bluetooth device via sending out and receiving unsolicited messages in form of e.g. vCards. It can also perform iterative range scanning and automated message broadcasting
DmanagerSp - With DmanagerSp you can download any file with any extension from sites that support http protocol .Plus; - Download files directly to your sd-card. - Look up file size before downloading a file. - Use Typing assistance for writing special characters in adress bar
AttachSmart Classic (free) - Enterprise or professional users: You are not allowed to use AttachSmart Classic except for evaluation only. You should purchase AttachSmart Enterprise Edition.
AttachSmart Classic is for personal use only
BeyondPod is free, open source, RSS feed reader and podcast manager (podcatcher) for Microsoft Smartphone and Pocket PC. Using BeyondPod you can subscribe for RSS feeds, read the feed content, download and listen to associated podcasts (enclosures) directly on your mobile device
Sqij - Traffic - This applet receives traffic incident alerts from zones that you can personalize. You can setup monitoring of a whole city, or individual ZIP codes, with filtering on different severity levels. You can optionally press a key to retrieve a small, mobile-optimized map of the affected area
Alnet VDRC - World's Best Remote Client software for viewing High Definition and IP Cameras over wireless devices such as PDA's and Smartphones. VDRC Mobile is the most advanced client application of this type on the market