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Best Video Software for QiGi W96 B / U86 / V96 / W96 / U96
DVD Catalyst 3 VEMoDe
PocketDivXEncoder BPS Video Converter & Decompiler
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New Video Software for QiGi W96 B / U86 / V96 / W96 / U96
Total Software: 60
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AVIDrawingComicAVIDrawingComic Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 25 Nov 12
Tags: Multimedia & Graphics
AVIDrawingComic - AVIDrawingComic is a video comic composer for Windows Mobile. It allows you to draw each frame of the video and compile all the frames into an AVI file. To use the app, draw each frame and, when you're done, select 'Compile AVI.' The program will then combine all the frames and generate the video
AVISignboardAVISignboard Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 25 Nov 12
Tags: Multimedia & Graphics
AVISignboard - AVISignboard is a video creator for Windows Mobile. It allows you to compose video text signs with up to 10 pages of information. To use the app, enter the text for each frame, select sign and letter size, and tap the 'Compile AVI video' button. The program will then generate the AVI video
AVICamerasAVICameras Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 25 Nov 12
Tags: Multimedia & Graphics
AVICameras - AVICameras turns the camera on your Windows Mobile device into a video frame scanner. You can customize the frame rate and interleave. To use the app, choose a folder to store your JPEG images. When you're done adding photos, pres the 'Compile AVI' button
AVIDrawingAVIDrawing Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 17 Nov 12
Tags: Multimedia & Graphics
AVIDrawing - AVIDrawing is a video creator for Windows Mobile. It allows you to edit and compile 240x268 AVI video drawings for importing into a movie composer. Drawings can be managed in a folder-based interface. Press the 'Export AVI' button to create the AVI file. You can also choose the frame rate
AVITextingsAVITextings Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 17 Nov 12
Tags: Multimedia & Graphics
AVITextings - AVITextings is a video creator for Windows Mobile. It allows you to combine all the text files from a folder into an AVI file. To use the app, choose the folder containing the files, select the frame rate, interleave, video height & width and font size, and press the 'New Video' button. The program will then create a video with the text as frames
AVITextingAVITexting Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 17 Nov 12
Tags: Multimedia & Graphics
AVITexting - AVITexting is a video creator for Windows Mobile. It allows you to create AVI video signs from entered text. To use the app, type in or paste the text, select the video height & width and font size, and press the button. The program will then create a video with the chosen number of frames
AVIFoldererAVIFolderer Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 17 Nov 12
Tags: Multimedia & Graphics
AVIFolderer is a video creator for Windows Mobile. It allows you to combine all the BMP images from a folder into an AVI file. To use the app, choose the folder containing the pictures, select the frame rate and interleave, and press the 'New Video' button. The program will then create a video with the images as frames
VideosCalendarVideosCalendar Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 29 Jun 12
Tags: Multimedia & Graphics
VideosCalendar is a calendar based video viewer. It supports Mp4, 3gp, AVI, Wmv formats.  Select 'Update Database' from the toolbar and the app will search your storage card for videos. The calendar displays the number of days that have videos. Tap on the day to view the videos for the day and the video to play
CamHiddenCamHidden Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 3 Apr 12
Tags: Multimedia & Graphics
CamHidden is a 'hidden' video camera app. Select the folder where the MP4 files are to be stored and when you select 'New Video' from the toolbar the program will start the camera and turn off the display. When you re-power the display the program will stop the camera. NOTE: It is illegal to film a person without their knowledge
FlashesExplorerFlashesExplorer Pocket PC Version: 1.0
Upload date: 13 Jan 12
Tags: Multimedia & Graphics
FlashesExplorer - This program allows you to browse the folders of your PocketPC for .SWF flash animations. When you tap on a SWF file the program starts the player. The player is customizable (Options). This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
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Random Application for
QiGi W96 B / U86 / V96 / W96 / U96

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17Silverlight Streaming Client for Windows Mobile
18DVD Catalyst
20Free Funny Video - 1
21DVD in Hand
23Movie to Go for Windows Mobile
25Pocket DVD Wizard
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