(L)ME Firmware 6.20--2.1, 6.39-10.1, 6.60-2.1: Adds NoDRM To ME - Rahim-US' (L)ME firmware series gets even better with an included NoDRM engine. Check out all the details here!
Rahim-US has been on a mission to create the best all-in-one custom firmware for PSP; and he might have done it with this download. In addition to supporting 1.50 kernel playback with leda, and awesome ISO compatibility with Inferno, this new update also adds a NoDRM engine too. With it, you can play PSP game DLC regardless of what PSN account the content is registered to. Included in this download are updated ME and LME custom firmwares for 6.20, 6.39, and 6.60. LME is to be used on PSP-3000 and GO, while PSP-1000 and PSP-2000 have the benefit of flashing regular ME. 6.20 LME is generally recommended for newer systems because the firmware can be permanent patched much like the 1000s and 2000s. That patch is also included. Check out the full changelog below!
Change log:
- Added NoDRM Patch.
- Added hide Custom Firmware dirs patch.
- Added PSP 2000v3 check to OFW ME installer (6.39 and 6.60 only).
- Added signed ME CFW installer (6.20 version only).
- Fixed corrupted save game bug (6.20 and 6.39 only).
What is hide Custom Firmware dirs patch?
Some games can detect CFW by dirs and can't be launched and played properly (crash when launching game, crach when saving ...), this patch allow to hide CFW dirs and play this games.
This pack includes:
- 6.20 LME-2.1 [PSP-3000 and GO] (reccomended for newer systems)
- 6.20 ME-2.1 [PSP-1000 and PSP-2000]
- 6.20 ME-2.1 [PSP-1000 and PSP-2000] {OFW Installer}
- 6.39 LME-10.1 [PSP-3000 and GO]
- 6.39 ME-10.1 [PSP-1000 and PSP-2000]
- 6.39 ME-10.1 [PSP-1000 and PSP-2000] {OFW Installer}
- 6.60 LME-2.1 [PSP-3000 and GO]
- 6.60 ME-2.1 [PSP-1000 and PSP-2000] (reccomended for older systems)
- 6.60 ME-2.1 [PSP-1000 and PSP-2000] {OFW Installer}
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