Thanks to the work of PSP Developer KanadeEngel we now have NAND IPL Dumper for your PSP.A This great homebrew tool will be very helpful to PSP developers and also is something nice for PSP homebrew people who are interested in learning a little more about the development side of the PSP scene
LUA PLayer
LUA PlayerFrom our very own QJ.NET Forums comes out today the begininngs of the next Lua PLayer. One of the staunch members, Insoniac197, expressed the work and updates that has been done to support v0.20 functions. These things include so far, the update to Lua 5.1 and the freetype now being supported.
Also, the file System.rename is now working
Glynnder's released v0.2 (Now a Beta!) of the LuaDevKit, adding some more functionality to this helpful development app. For those who haven't heard of LDK, this app can help experienced coders in making their own programs and games in the Lua format by letting them click and add common commands
Resident PSP homebrew coder pspballer07 passed by the QJ.Net Forum earlier to announce the release of a new developer's tool the coders here may fancy. It's the PSP C++ IDE v0.8 homebrew application, a PC-based Development Environment designed to help make coding in C++ easier
PSP C++ IDE v1.6, with Screen Designer - Image 1 PSP homebrew coder and QJ.Net Forum resident pspballer07 has apparently been busy for the past few days, as another update for the PSP C++ IDE application is released. For the non-coders wondering what this homebrew does, it's described as a PC-based Development Environment for coding in C++ for the PSP
SGE Library r030809
Homebrew developer SamuraiX has released the SGE Library r030809 for the PSP. For those not familiar with it, SGE is a graphic library for the Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL). Essentially a low level API, the preset graphics functions found in this release should make coding homebrew easier
Evilmana tile set
Here's a little primer for the guys having trouble creating their own content on PSPMillionaire's EvilMana TileEditor. Developer dan369 dropped by the QJ.NET PSP Development Forums earlier to release Evilmana tile set v1.2.
As its name implies, this is a compilation of pre-made tiles for the TileEditor homebrew application
Evilmana tile set
For those of you who use PSPMillionaire's EvilMana TileEditor, you'll definitely find PlayStation Portable homebrew developer dan369's application very useful. It's called Evilmana tile set and it's now on version 1.6.
If you're unfamiliar with app, here's a bit of a primer
LUA Code Development
We have a new development environment for PC's scripting language LUA for the PSP. The program is designed for all those who are starting with LUA as it facilitates the use of pretty language and the preparation of the script to run on the PSP.
New version is available for this programming environment for PSP
Black Dev's Team IDE 2009
Hello everyone,
I Darkside release with the second version of our program, Black Dev Team's FDI in 2009.
As a reminder, this program is to help beginners learn the language C on psp.
Here are the major novelties of this version:
- Added mode VLF and libg.
- Link to compilers.
- New design