Autographs - This program allows you to get autographs. You can store them in a compact file format on your PocketPC computer.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
ColourRandom - This program picks a random colour from 140 colour names. Tap the button to pick a random colour and display the colour name as text. The program displays the hex, decimal and rgb values for the colour.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
PicturesMonths - This program allows you to select a folder where you have your JPEG/AVI/3GP images from your camera. Then the program sorts the images based on file dates. Tap the day to view.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
PrinterColours - This program creates a 4 page printable guide to 501 colour names and the RGB values for them. Tap the button to create a printabe chart. NOTE: Use courier font to view/print the colour chart.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
ColoursCalculator - This program allows you to select a width/height and colour depth. The program then calculates the amount of RAM you need to display the video mode.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
EXIFFolders - batch removes the EXIF image information from ALL of the JPEG files that are in the currently selected folder. Select the folder where the JPEG images are and select 'Batch Convert' from the toolbar. The program will remove the EXIF information from ALL images in the folder and replace them with the new ones
DrawingViewer - This program allows you to set the folder that you place all of your 'DrawingPictures' files. Tap on the drawing name to display it. You can change the folder from the toolbar.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
PictureBeamer - This program allows you to set the folder where your camera stores the images. The program checks the folder once a second for images/pictures. When a picture is in the folder is is sent via IRDA and deleted.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
LinedPapers - This program is a set of 100 lined papers that you can doodle on right on your PocketPC computer.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer. Simply unzip the file for your processor and place the DLL file in the 'Windows' folder of your PocketPC computer
PrinterASCIIs - This program makes a printable ASCII chart. Tap the button to create the text page with ASCII codes. NOTE: Use courier new font to view/print.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer