Project Master can dramatically increase the flow and value of information of your projects from the palm of your hand.
It's a good start to review projects by yourself!
A great useful feature is employed in Project Master :
Attachment link is provided to all windows supported files like word document excel files, exe files, PowerPoint files
to serve all your project needs.
Manage Your projects with specified document like Word,Excel,Powerpoint,Scanned bill Image and more..
Tap icon to open the specified File.
Detail Tree View:
Project Master details will be placed in Tree View to access the attached files in a tree view itself.
Documents Link:
You can link more documents to your specified project for easy reference.
How can Project Master help me?
1. It integrates the bits of vital information at one place.
2. Assign to-dos and tasks
3. Tracks related documents and supports file attachment too.
4. Stores meeting and follow ups
5. Also tracks on the income and expense incurred.
6. Bounded with passwords protection feature
7. Manage your money flow in different currencies ($,Rs?)
8. Alarm Reminder.
Project Master manages your project details, tasks, resources, money and issues across the projects.
1. Hierarichal view: Helps to focus on a particular module for in-detailed view.
2. HTML View : Represents a HTML format view of all the modules.
Keep track of what needs to get done and who needs to do it with milestones integrated in Task when things are due and who's responsible.
Track your tasks organized by project. Define statuses and priorities for your tasks.
Meeting module holds a pivotal point in organizing the projects follow-up easily. Now you can track and record the
meeting details easily with following information.
Meeting Details
And Synopsis
Thus saving a lot of manual hours in maintenance and tracking of the meeting records.
Turn Over
Project Master supports tracking of expense and income incurred too.
Password Protection:
Your project data's will be strong encryption algorithm.
Alarm Reminder :
Project Master supports alarm reminder for each project task assigned for the timing schedule.
Key Features:
Desktop Edition Sync (Supports WM 5.0)
External File Link.
More Currency format.
Alarm Reminders.
Graphical User Interface.