Calorie Counter is the essential app to simply find nutritional info for the food you eat and to keep track of your meals, exercise and weight.
The Calorie Counter application has all the cool tools to help you succeed:
A food quick pick to find calorie and full nutrition information.
A food diary to plan and keep track of what you're eating.
An activity diary to record all the calories you burn.
A weight chart.
A journal to record your progress.
You can also sync and access your account online to access your info anywhere, any time.
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Supported operating systems:
Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 7, Windows Phone 8
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Other Software by developer «FatSecret»:
Calorie Counter by FatSecret for iPad Calorie Counter by FatSecret for iPad is the essential app to simply find nutritional info for the food you eat and easily keep track of your meals, exercise and weight.
Calorie Counter is simple to use and has all the cool tools to help you succeed:
· A quick pick to find calorie and nutrition info for your favorite foods, brands and restaurants
Calorie Counter by FatSecret for Windows Phone Calorie Counter is the essential app to simply find nutritional info for the food you eat and to keep track of your meals, exercise and weight.
The Calorie Counter application has all the cool tools to help you succeed:
· A food quick pick to find calorie and full nutrition information
Calorie Counter by FatSecret for BlackBerry Calorie Counter by FatSecret for BlackBerry - Calorie Counter provides you with calorie and nutrition information for the food you eat. In addition, it allows you to easily keep track of your meals, exercise and weight, right from your BlackBerry phone.
The app can also sync your account online, so that you can access your data anywhere, from any mobile device or computer
Calorie Counter by FatSecret for iPhone Calorie Counter is the essential app to simply find nutritional info for the food you eat and easily keep track of your meals, exercise and weight.
Calorie Counter is simple to use and has all the cool tools to help you succeed:
· A quick pick to find calorie and nutrition info for your favorite foods, brands and restaurants
Calorie Counter by FatSecret Calorie Counter by FatSecret - A simple tool to find all the Calorie and Nutrition Facts for the foods you eat.
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Calorie Counter is the essential app to simply find nutritional info for the food you eat and easily keep track of your meals, exercise and weight