Word Teacher French Russian - Features
You can select any pair of languages out of provided list of dictionaries. A student can run over flash cards in either alphabetical order or randomly. Flash cards can be filtered according to the word’s part of speech, for example you can choose to work with only nouns or only verbs. You can also choose to run over words of different parts of speech at the same time.
Flash cards can be run over in either of the two selected languages or in both languages in random order, for example, if you work with the pair English-French, the options are that the program will show you the cards only in French, only in English, or in French and English randomly.
You can easily add more languages to the program and switch between them on-the-fly.
Each dictionary contains more than 3,500 most frequently used words.
User’s interface is intuitively comprehensible and is available in five languages. The user can select the preferable language of the interface. This setting can be easily changed at any moment.
Coming soon
User’s dictionaries. The user will have an option to add words or phrases into the dictionary themselves
Other languages and increasing number of words in the currently available dictionaries
Transcription in difficult cases.
Irregular verbs, suppletive forms, interesting cases of using articles, etc.