Silly Game Silly Game is simple and small. It is a good for testing the patience/mentality. It is also useful for giving to very young kinds in the backseat of the car to keep them entertained for a short car ride. There is a button, it tells you not to click it. If you click it, the button moves randomly and counts how many times you have clicked it
Steamed! Free A dice game where you press your luck to get the highest score possible. Also known as Greed, Farkle and 10,000 among others
Rock, Paper, Spock Rock, Paper, Spock - Variation on the classic game Rock, Paper, Scissors. Now included is Spock and Lizard! Gives more variety and play options. Simple game to play against computer. Keepts track of win/lose/tie statastics. Small in size, and great tool to learn the more advanced version of the classic game! Quite fun too
LagartoSpock LagartoSpock - El tradicional juego "piedra, papel o tijera" adaptado con dos nuevas jugadas "lagarto, spock" (inspirado en The Big Bang Theory) con una nueva posibilidad: patada
Thai Lotto Application for check prize from The Government Lottery in Thailand by specific number or list number. **The primary text in this application is in Thai Thai Description
Number Guesser Number Guesser - A simple number guessing application for Windows Phone 7.
Simply enter your guess, and the game will tell you whether it is too high or too low. Keep guessing until you determine the number, and then play again to try and beat your best score!
AccelBall Create and change shape and size of an ellipse with the accelerometer sensor. Have fun!
Regularity Test Regularity Test - The application provides an easy and fun way to show how much you are systematic.
The rules are simple:
We choose the time at which the application will wait for that one click will record your activity. If the button is red, it means that the time has come where we can check our activity. If it is green, that's the day he was awarded
SimpleTrigonometry Easy and quick help with trigonometry. You can check the most frequently used for simple functions and see in the picture, what to this feature represents