Sicve Tutor Assist Sicve Tutor Assist - The Italian Sicve Tutor system checks that the mean speed of vehicles between verification "portals" is below the speed limit (typically 130 km/h)
IBE Car Manager for PPC IBE Car Manager for PPC is the best car manager for your Windows Mobile Pocket PC. Record description and remarks for every entry and archive entries to display them in another screen. It supports QVGA, VGA resolution, landscape, square and portrait modes, can run at 2003SE and WM 5.0 ppcs. With View menu you can see statistics information and make comments for the car
Pocket WingMan C-172 RG Pocket WingMan C-172 RG - Pocket WingMan's series of electronic checklists have been written by pilots for pilots. When we created this product, our objective was ease of use and safety in the cockpit. Each edition contains a thorough coverage of standard procedures, emergency actions and a quick and easy reference for V-speeds
FlyBy Fuel Timer (Pocket PC) FlyBy Fuel Timer (Pocket PC) - This program was designed to assist helicopter pilots with their in-flight fuel calculations. After inputting the start time, start fuel, end time and end fuel, the program will calculate your fuel burn rate. It will also calculate the time your fuel will run out as well as your fuel reserve time
Toyota News This application brings together all the latest news about Toyota into one easy to use and beautiful place
RepairSlips RepairSlips - This program can be used to track the repairs or work that is done on your car or truck. The slips are stored in a compact file format.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
VCS COEs Free Travel VCS COEs Free Travel - This app is a Virtual Car Show filled with Cab Over Engine trucks from 1930's to 1960's. These trucks affectionately called COEs range from custom built car haulers to beautifully restored original and some unmolested survivors. These trucks are favorites among custom car builders because of their unusual shape. People can't help but look at them
PlateReports PlateReports - This program can be used to keep track of cars that you see that drive aggressively or do something illegal. Enter the plate number and a short report. The next time you see a Police officer you can IRDA it.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer