Towers of Glennoi is a remake of the well known "Towers of Hanoi".
The object of Towers of Glennoi is to move the tower of blocks from one side of the screen to the other. Sounds simple, right? Well, it's not, because you have to move the blocks one at a time and can only put blocks in ascending order of size
Mummy MazePocket PCVersion: Upload date: 15 Jun 13 Tags: Games
Mummy Maze - The goal of Mummy Maze game is to make your way through the treacherous chambers of an Egyptian pyramid to claim the treasure waiting at the top. The only problem? The pyramid is riddled with traps, infested with deadly scorpions, and haunted by relentless mummies
CaissesPocket PCVersion: Upload date: 27 Feb 09 Tags: Games
Caisses is a Sokoban clone that includes 500 levels and 14 different backgrounds and themes.
The original version of Caisses is Caisses DS, a Nintendo DS homebrew coded by Kukulcan.
In this game, you are a warehouse keeper, and your mission consists in arranging boxes by pushing them onto their designated locations..
CuboidsPocket PCVersion: 1.2 Upload date: 30 Jul 10 Tags: Games
Puzzle game similar to Rubik's Cube, with an extra layer
FifteensPocket PCVersion: 1.0 Upload date: 22 Feb 09 Tags: Games
HappyPuzzlePocket PCVersion: 2.13 Upload date: 5 Jan 10 Tags: Games
HappyPuzzle- is a crossword puzzle game for Pocket PC (PPC2002, WM2003, WM2005, WM6 and WM6.x) and Palm-sized PC (Windows CE 2.11). You can save puzzle game sessions in so called "Game files" (GME) so that you can continue your game(s) later
CubePocket PCVersion: 0.6b Upload date: 9 Mar 09 Tags: Games
Rubik's Cube game for windows mobile PDA phones
WordNurdPocket PCVersion: 1.0 alpha Upload date: 11 Dec 10 Tags: Games
Amazing logic game, which contains over a dozen arenas filled with intellectual challenges where you are able to compete with computer rivals or play with your friends!
Across Lite Mobile - The official mobile version of Across Lite, the premiere online crossword solving program with an intuitive interface that shares puzzle files across multiple platforms.
Across Lite Mobile is designed to minimize distractions and make puzzle-solving as enjoyable as solving on paper