Aplikacja pozwala na dekorowanie choinki. Po nacisnieciu ozdob znajdujacych sie w dolnej czesci ekranu, pojawiaja sie one na choince
Rzut_monetaPocket PCVersion: Upload date: 26 Aug 12 Tags: Games
Aplikacja dziala jak popularna gra "orzel czy reszka" , najpierw wybiera sie strone monety potem odbywa sie rzut jezeli wypadnie na twoja strone wygrales
Rock the dotsPocket PCVersion: Upload date: 18 Aug 12 Tags: Games
Rock the dots - This app is a simple sandbox game allowing you to create melodies with a very simple user interface. There are two main elements : metronomes and spots. Metronomes emit waves with a certain frequency. These waves spread on the screen and activate the spots they hit. When a spot is hit by the wave it plays a sound
CryingBabyPocket PCVersion: Upload date: 14 Aug 12 Tags: Games
The baby is crying. Swing your phone and put it to sleep. Be gentle or it will wake up again
RainingBallsPocket PCVersion: Upload date: 14 Aug 12 Tags: Games