phoneAlarm Lite - Your complete, easy to use, communication center, never overlook a missed call, voicemail, Email or SMS again. Plus 7 powerful Phone profiles to control all your important settings
phoneAlarm is a Today screen plugin - giving you total control over your Pocket PC Phone. Never miss an important call, SMS or Email again. Automatically switch profiles and quickly access Inbox, call history and control the state of bluetooth directly from the Today screen. Optimized for one-handed and in-car use.
phoneAlarm Lite is a simplified version of phoneAlarm still with all the MAJOR features, suitable for low-maintenance installations!
Features found in phoneAlarm that are not included in phoneAlarm Lite:
- Call Forwarding
- SMS Forwarding
- Push email enable / disable
- Automatic Profile switching based on location
- Text Window for alarms
- Text rotator with status
- Billing / Data costs
- Data volume tracking
- 1-Click mute
15 day free trial version available.
Provides repeating alarms on new SMS, Email, missed calls & voice messages
10 Custom Phone profiles with manual / time-based automatic switching.
Alarm notification on weak battery and phone signal (WM 5.0 only)
Customise sound, volume and options for each alarm type in each profile
Cutomise ringtone in each profile
Custom Email / SMS filtered alarms based on subject or sender
Mute device and phone volume
Skinnable user interface
Bluetooth and Flight mode control via profiles (also for Widcomm/Broadcomm stack)
Auto-profile change on <'ActiveSync'> (Work) and <'Power - no ActiveSync'> (Car)
1-hand skin navigation and quick-dialer for last 10 numbers
Icons provide direct access to Inbox, missed call history etc.
Task-switcher pop-up to close running applications
Full Dual SIM support
Languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Danish, Norwegian, Dutch, Czech, Hungarian, Greek, Polish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese and Polish
Supports VGA and square display
Optimised for fast performance and maximum platform support
Simple installation
What's New in This Release:
· Backup, command-line option to save all settings to Storage Card
· Skin width fixed for HD-Mini
· Option to show locked state for "Profile as Operator" with custom text
· Disable LED automatically on OmniaII (was causing slow-down)
phoneAlarm is Winner for second year in a row in the
Smartphone & PocketPC Magazine
Best Software awards 2008 Smartphone & PocketPC Magazine Best Software Awards
New / Fixed in v3.02 [Build 448] (15th September 2010)
2 new profiles (12 in total)
Improvements to Settings for finger use
Weather now also included in Lite version
Host uses current profile icon option
Option to vibrate when call is disconnected
Option to beep/vib. every 'x' seconds during outgoing call
Phone state icons supported (Image_Phone_InCall, Image_Phone_Flight, Image_Phone_NoSignal)
Custom Weather link to optionally open 3rd party weather application
Custom MMS link to optionally open 3rd party MMS application
Skin support for HD Mini (fixes skins being too large or too small)
Multiple weather locations can be saved (only one active)
Touch Pro 2 bluetooth support improved (and Rhodium Keyboard Controller now supported)
2 new App.Launcher popup menus for upto 30 shortcuts in total
Fix system 10 sec. backlight issue if using the system device lock
Battery meter on title-bar
'Click and hold' Email to sync.
New option "Any" for Appointment automatic switch type
Widcomm bluetooth now supports 'discoverable mode'
Location-based alarms
New / Fixed in v2.32 [Build 405] (12th February 2010)
WM 6.5 dialog layout improved
HTC HD2 support improved
paHost icon and logic improved
Arcsoft SMS / MMS support
"Next alarm" text in TF3D now also correct when alarm snoozed
Fix: Music with very long path name not playing for paAlarm
10 sec backlight system bug fixed for some devices
Task-Switcher not always able to kill application fixed
HTC HD2 hack to activate LED on new email (some programs such as Mobile Shell will show both email and voicemail notification)
Charging logic fixed
Race condition with Ringo ringtone manager fixed (caused device slow-down on call)
Option to open host automatically when screenLock active
Issue with Epix backlight remaining off for some configurations fixed
Support for Toshiba G810 backlight added
i910 reminders when locked improved
'delayEmailCheck' option fixed (for devices with email on Storage Card or slow processor)
Battery Charging disable logic improved
New / Fixed in v2.30 [Build 384] (18th September 2009)
WM 6.5 support
Host application to run phoneAlarm without Today screen plugin
screenLock, red/green buttons working in call
Omnia II ringtone support
Bluetooth support fixed for Touch Pro 2
Add support for 30 application links (incr. from 20)
Support added for 2-row launcher bar
Auto-answer fixed for devices that don't receive ring notification correctly
Issue with 3rd party ringtone and Photo-Contacts Pro fixed
Support larger fonts on menus
Move Application links to Extras tab
Fixed / New in v2.22 [Build 370] (14th July 2009)
Bluetooth and screenLock support for Touch Pro 2
Email alarm fix for some devices
Treo Pro issue with voicemail is resolved
screenLock refresh improved and also first alarm sound no longer affected by lock
Analog clock refresh improved
screenLock component added to provide intelligent device locking, but still let you see Today Screen
New profile rules added
New option to specify the profile to activate after automatic switch ends
Support new TouchFlo3D 2 interface (Titanium)
2G / 3G bandswitch via profile supported on most newer HTC devices
Support for 320 x 320 screen improved
Samsung Epix supported for backlight and battery state
Support email alarms for Lotus Notes Traveler
PNG support for 24/32 bit alpha-blended skin icons
Faster loading of Settings (Advanced and Profiles tabs)
Fixed / New in v2.15 [Build 345] (3rd March 2009)
Treo Pro voicemail alarm fix
OBEX (file transfer) always enabled with bluetooth
"Last Boot" time information improved
Center skin works also in portrait mode
"-w" WLAN toggle command-line fixed
TouchFlo 2D support extended to more devices
Add paAlarm support for Touch-Flo "next alarm"
Option "Next alarm" on scroller and on skin ("Image_NextAlarm")
Options to hide applications in Task Switcher
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If you got an error while installing Themes, Software or Games, please, read FAQ.
Supported operating systems:
Windows Mobile 5.0, Windows Mobile 6 Classic, Windows Mobile 6 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.1 Classic, Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional
Other Software by developer «pocketMax»:
screenGuard ScreenGuard, your intelligent device protector.Do you want to carry your Pocket PC in your pocket? It disables the touch-screen & buttons allowing you to still see the screen!
phoneAlarm Pro (Pocket PC) phoneAlarm is a Today Screen plugin providing repeating alarms when Email/SMS, missed calls, or voice mail is waiting or when the phone signal or battery is too weak.
· Provides repeating alarms and escalating sound on new SMS/Email, missed calls & voice messages
· 7 Custom Phone profiles with manual / time-based automatic switching
alarmToday alarmToday is a Today screen plugin - giving you total control over all alarms on your Pocket PC. In addition you can now also run alarmToday as a stand-alone application
You can view, change, delete and create new alarms with just a few clicks.
Always have repeating alarms, wake up to your favorite music every morning or turn-off all sound while in a meeting
pocketMax Spacer Simple blank plugin to allow spacing other plugins on the Today Screen
Last Calls "Last Calls" is a free home screen Widget that displays a popup list of the 20 most recent people you talked to on the phone.
With a click you can then call your most important contacts. Click & hold to send an SMS automatically.
It has NO affect on battery life or device performance, only when you click the icon is the program active
buttonMax buttonMax is a powerful button mapper application allowing easy access to 3 applications/settings per button for all Pocket PC 2002 /Windows Mobile PC 2003. Windows Mobile 2003 SE and Pocket PC Phone devices.
WM 5
phoneAlarm Smartphone phoneAlarm SP is a Homescreen plugin - giving you total control over your Smartphone. Never miss an important call, SMS or Email again. Automatically switch profiles and quickly access Inbox, call history and control the state of bluetooth directly from the homescreen. Optimised for one-handed and in-car use.
30 day free trial version available
alarmPal alarmPal is a simple "small footprint" tool designed to provide repeating alarms for all important events. It can be added to tray, title-bar or run in hidden mode.
alarmNotes are also available to quickly write a short note or voice message to be reminded of later
phoneAlarm phoneAlarm - Your complete communication center, never overlook a missed call, voicemail, email or SMS again. Plus 12 powerful Phone profiles to control all your important settings
Supports Windows Mobile 5.0, WM 6.0, WM 6.1 and WM 6.5 Phone Edition
phoneAlarm is a Today screen plugin - giving you total control over your Windows Mobile Phone