Pocket Safety Tips - Developed by Marlon Caras
Pocket Safety Tips Application gives people quick and offline access to emergency tips in case of emergencies like Fire, Earthquake, Tornado or Terrorism
SoClosePocket PCVersion: Upload date: 10 May 13 Tags: Games
SoClose - Developed by
Ruprecht G. Gutierrez & Angelo Cruz
Stay on the center! SoClose is a game where the player's dexterity and agility are put to the test! The game has only one goal: do not hit the yellow bars. The player must hold and release the two white buttons repeatedly to balance
ChargedPocket PCVersion: Upload date: 7 May 13 Tags: Games
Charged - TAM-PAW Development Team:
Game Designers
Jozette Tuquib
Wrydrick Gutierrez
Game Artists
Adel Lugtu
Jasmine Paredes
Sound Designers
Jeric Sarmiento
Angelo Cruz
Game Programmer
Wrydrick Guiterrez
Charged!, a drag and drop game. The objective of the game is to continuously fill up the generators before it runs empty