USA-OH [Ohio] Map for EagleEye PDA Tracking System - USA-OH [Ohio] Map for EagleEye PDA Tracking System
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Supported operating systems:
Pocket PC 2002, Windows Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 5.0
Similar Software:
OpenStreetMap OpenStreetMap - Application similar to GoogleMaps but relies on OpenStreetMap.
OpenStreetMap an application similar to GoogleMaps but relies on OpenStreetMap.
It's finger friendly and showing the map on fullscreen.
GPS support and GSM triangulation (if no GPS device is present) is built in
Travel Montreal Guide, Phrasebook, and Maps Travel Montreal Guide, Phrasebook, and Maps - An illustrated city guide, phrasebook, and maps. Indulge Yourself with a personal tour guide on Your PDA. FREE General Information chapter and a map in the trial version.
Fully illustrated.
Historical overviews.
Interesting facts.
Street and attractions map, metro map and more
Travel Miami Beach and Miami - city guide and maps Travel Miami is a comprehensive travel guide to Miami. Indulge Yourself with a personal tour guide on Your PDA. FREE General Information chapter in the trial version.
Fully illustrated.
Historical overviews.
Interesting facts.
City Maps.
Museums address, telephone, hours and admission information.
Easy to navigate
Map of North Carolina (US State) Map of North Carolina (US State) - A map of the North Carolina by VITO Technology. Good for intercity travels with SmartMap.
SmartMap is a mobile device application which uses vector and raster maps. It is compatible with any NMEA protocol GPS receiver (Compact Flash socket, serial port, BlueTooth or sleeve)
GpsMid Stuttgart GpsMid is a free, fully offline, vector based map application for your mobile phone. It displays your current position on a zoomable map and can be used to search for and navigate to roads or points of interest of your liking. As all data is stored in a compact binary format on your mobile phone you will incur no charges for extra data downloads
Map of Wisconsis (US State) Map of Wisconsis (US State) - A map of the Wisconsis by VITO Technology. Good for intercity travels with SmartMap.
SmartMap is a mobile device application which uses vector and raster maps. It is compatible with any NMEA protocol GPS receiver (Compact Flash socket, serial port, BlueTooth or sleeve)
Map of Suriname Map of Suriname - A map of the Suriname by VITO Technology. Good for intercity travels with SmartMap.
SmartMap is a mobile device application which uses vector and raster maps. It is compatible with any NMEA protocol GPS receiver (Compact Flash socket, serial port, BlueTooth or sleeve)
EagleEye PDA Tracking System for HW6500/HW6900 Series EagleEye PDA Tracking System for HW6500/HW6900 Series - We at Targex Corp. have been in the vehicle tracking business for over 10 years, researching and offering products that are advanced and extremely reliable