TwitterPictureds allows you to share pictures with/without your current GPS via Twitter oAuth app and FTP server. When a new picture is detected in the camera folder the program will FTP upload the picture to the FTP server and create a Tweet on with the HTTP link to download/view the picture
Haggle is a networking architecture for data-centric opportunistic communication. In laymen's terms, it means that Haggle allows mobile phones to exchange items of data directly between themselves whenever they happen to come in close range. The data to exchange is based on the interests that users express in data
TwitvidUploader allows you to select a video file on your PocketPC (up to 2gb) and uploads the video to the website and creates a tweet on Select the video file and enter the text for the tweet (max 120 characters) and the video will be uploaded with a tweet. This service is provided by Twitvid
TwitvidCamera allows you to upload and share videos from your PocketPC camera in real time on the website. When a new video is detected in the cameras folder the program will upload the video to the website and create a log in the logs folder. This service is provided by Twitvid
TwitvidOffloader allows you to upload+delete and share videos from your PocketPC camera in real time on the website. When a new video is detected in the cameras folder the program will upload the video to the website and deletes the local file (if successful). This service is provided by Twitvid
TwitvidArchiver allows you to select a video file on your PocketPC (up to 2gb) and uploads the video to the website with tweet and *deletes the file*. Select the video file and enter the text for the tweet (max 120 characters) and the video will be uploaded with a tweet. This service is provided by Twitvid
TwitpicArchiver uploads a single or *ALL* pictures that are in the current folder to the website and creates a link for each in the 'Logs' folder. Select the folder where the pictures are stored and select 'Upload ALL' from the toolbar. You can also select a picture at a time. This service is provided by Twitpic
TwitpicSMSerer allows you to upload and share pictures via SMS with oAuth via website. When a new picture is detected in the camera's folder the program will allow you to enter a tweet (if no text setting) and uploads the picture to and creates a SMS. This service is provided by Twitpic
TwitpicEmailerer allows you to upload and share pictures via Email with oAuth via website. When a new picture is detected in the camera's folder the program will allow you to enter a tweet (if no text setting) and uploads the picture to and create an email link. This service is provided by Twitpic
TwitpicOffloader allows you to upload and share pictures via oAuth on website and 'deletes' the local file. When a new picture is detected in the cameras folder the program will allow you to enter a tweet (if no text setting) and uploads the picture to and create a tweet on Twitter. This service is provided by Twitpic