Password Master for PPC 2003 - Do you have multiple e-mail ids for your personal, business and subscription reasons. Do you have paid subscription to your favorite News website or anything of that sort. Do you write down your Personal Identification Number (PIN) of your ATM or Debit card in a unsecured place in your wallet, just because you can't remember and hate to confuse yourself when you try to recall them.
Then you must be thinking about a Single Place where you can store all these details securely.
Password Master helps you to maintain all your personal details securely. This application is very much handy for recalling all those 8 digit numbers which happens to be your entry passwords.
With Password Master, you can Create any kind of Category you want for entering your password details. By default the following Categories will be created for you when you run the application for the first time.
Credit Cards
Bank Accounts
Internet Banking
Website Logins
You can add any number of Password Records within a category and can enter the below details for each record.
Title ( For Example "My Yahoo Mail" )
User Name
Updates in Version 2.0
Drag and Drop:
The password entries added to one category can be moved to another category by simple drag & drop operation.
Improved Security:
Since all the details you enter are sensitive data, the Password Master helps you to create a Secure Login to the records. You can create a Master Password, which will work as you Master key for all the virtual locks you know. The Master Password is encrypted using 128 bit key for high security.
The User Name and Password are also encrypted using 128 bit key before getting stored in the database.
Icon & Text colour customizations:
The Icons and the text colour of the items in the tree view can be modified to suit the interface you prefer to work. A custom colour picker has been designed for ease of use.
Back up:
The Password Master database can be moved to your Desktop and can be copied back to your PDA for data restore. This helps you to restore your passwords after you hard reset your Pocket PC.
Key Features:
Strong 128 bit encryption technology for securing your data.
Easy to manage all your passwords.
Intuitive interface.
Icon & Text Colour customization.
Drag & drop operation for moving between categories.
If you got an error while installing Themes, Software or Games, please, read FAQ.
Supported operating systems:
Pocket PC 2002, Windows Mobile 6 Classic, Windows Mobile 6 Professional
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