Duden - German dictionary of synonyms for Android-
Duden language technology together with its partners in industry and science carries out research and development projects in the fields of knowledge management and computer linguistics. Duden’s spelling and grammar are regarded as trend-setting and leading on the market
Duden - German dictionary of foreign words for Android- Duden language technology together with its partners in industry and science carries out research and development projects in the fields of knowledge management and computer linguistics. Duden’s spelling and grammar are regarded as trend-setting and leading on the market
Duden - German spelling dictionary for Android - Duden - German spelling dictionary
The comprehensive basic work follows the new Official Spelling Rules.
The 25th edition of the Duden - German spelling dictionary contains spelling, word division and rules dated August, 2006, obligatory for all schools and authorities
Van Dale Dutch-German & German-Dutch dictionary supports comprehensive translations and practical examples of usage offered in an easy to use and powerful mobile application.
The dictionary contains more than 67,000 entries, especially selected for frequency of use
Van Dale Dutch-French & French-Dutch dictionary supports you with comprehensive translations and practical examples of usage, offered in an easy to use and powerful mobile application.
The dictionary contains 57,000 entries, especially selected for frequency of use
Van Dale Dutch-English & English-Dutch dictionary supports you with comprehensive translations and practical examples of usage, offered in an easy to use and powerful mobile application.
The dictionary contains 50,000 entries, especially selected for frequency of use
Talking Russian Spelling Dictionary for Android, presented in a series of "XXI Century Dictionaries" is based on deep linguistic research in spelling and is the most comprehensive of the modern spelling dictionaries
Concise Oxford English Dictionary and Thesaurus (Android)- This value software pack consists of the most popular dictionary worldwide - the Concise Oxford English Dictionary and the Concise Oxford Thesaurus
Oxford Dictionary of English is the foremost authority on the English language. It presents words according to their current use and frequency based on the evidence of the Oxford English Corpus, an unrivalled collection of hundreds of millions of words of modern English