AW Czech-German Dictionary (Palm OS) - Czech-German (Cesko-Nemecky, Tschechisch-Deutsch) Dictionary. 41603 entries. This dictionary contains the most used words
AW English-German Dictionary (Palm OS) - English-German (Englisch-Deutsch) Dictionary. 124000 entries with phonetic transcriptions of English words, includes genders of nouns, German phrases and idioms
AW English-German Dictionary by Smartlink (Palm OS) - English to German (Englisch-Deutsch) Dictionary by Smartlink. 37779 entries with phonetic transcriptions of English words, includes genders of nouns, German phrases and idioms. Perfect word set suitable for most translation needs
AW French-German Dictionary (Palm OS) - French-German (Francais-Allemand, Franzosisch-Deutsch) Dictionary. 35200 entries, with genders of German nouns. This dictionary contains the most commonly used words. French German Dictionary database based on Ergane 5.0 wordlists
AW German-Czech Dictionary (Palm OS) - German-Czech (Nemecko-Cesky, Deutsch-Tschechisch) Dictionary. 35101 entries. This dictionary contains the most used words, covering most of your translation needs. Palm OS version does not require Czech localization system to display translations correctly
AW German-English Dictionary (Palm OS) - German-English (Deutsch-Englisch) Dictionary. 111910 entries. This dictionary covers most of your translation needs
AW German-French Dictionary (Palm OS) - German-French (Deutsch-Franzosisch, Allemand-Francais) Dictionary. 8340 entries. This dictionary contains the most commonly used words, perfect for low memory devices. German French Dictionary database based on Ergane 5.0 wordlists
AW German-Italian Dictionary (Palm OS) - German-Italian (Deutsch-Italienisch, Tedesco-Italiano) Dictionary. 14743 entries. This dictionary contains the most used words. German Italian Dictionary database based on Ergane 5.0 wordlists