Kiosk is a hack/DA combination that allows you to lock your Palm to a single application.
This is useful if you want to loan your Palm to someone for a specific purpose; e.g. a child playing a game or a co-worker to use the calculator
GridLock is a Freeware security application designed to simplify, speed up and increase the security of your Palm device without using text based passwords.
It uses a simple 5x5 grid of squares to represent a unique pattern that is used instead of a normal text 'password'
PalmCrack - Noncon has released PalmCrack, the password testing tool for the Palm Computing Platform.
Designed to help security professionals determine the strength of passwords, PalmCrack is able to check UNIX and NT passwords against a dictionary and decrypt certain Cisco router passwords.
Memory: 32 KB (minimum), 800 KB (recommended) of free RAM for full dictionary
BeSafe - Palm OS/MS Windows Bundle is a program for encrypted storage of sensitive data. It allows quick reference to information like PIN numbers, accounts, passwords, alarm codes etc., while protecting it even in case of device loss or theft.
People normally use MemoPad for keeping that data, but the truth is that MemoPad offers very little protection
GridLock Pro is a security application designed to simplify, speed up and increase the security of your Palm device without using text based passwords. It uses a simple 5x5 grid of squares to represent a unique pattern that is used instead of a normal text `password`
BeSafe for Palm OS (from Beiks electronic safe) is a program for encrypted storage of sensitive data. It allows quick reference to information like PIN numbers, accounts, passwords, alarm codes etc., while protecting it even in case of device loss or theft. People normally use MemoPad for keeping that data, but the truth is that MemoPad offers very little protection
OneTouchPass - Do you like to lock your PDA? We know why you don't.
Because you don't like to lose time entering password every time you need your data.
OneTouchPass changes everything! OneTouchPass combines the instant access to your data with its high security level
Secure Data - This is a great tool to store your most personal and private data:
Internet passwords.
Bank accounts.
Credit cards.
Frequent traveler affiliations.
Important documents information (eg: Passport, Drivers' license, etc.)
Only you can access your database by entering a passcode