A very nice card game I used to play with my mom and my sister, when I was a kid"
Edit By BS Editor: After all those Solitaire and Poker games, 1001 is a refreshingly new and exciting card game for Palm devices. 1001 is a threee-player game with a 20-card pack. The aim is to win tricks containing valuable cards
3XCommander is a free file manager for Palm OS devices, such as the Treo line of smart phones. It lets you easily copy, move, delete and even beam files stored within your device or on external memory cards.
The utility also lets you view the directory tree of files and access most features via an intuitive "Tap & Hold" process
2xCalcDB is the refreshed database for currency rates.
The database features more than 150 rates, all updated on a regular basis.
Download 2xCalcDB.pdb and install it on a Palm™ device. Launch 2xCalc to list and download currencies.
Older settings with matching symbols will be refreshed.
2xCalcDB is free for 2xCalc registered users
MM ReversiPalmVersion: 1.0 Upload date: 23 Sep 06 Tags: Games
Reversi or Othello is a well known boardgame. It's easy to play, but a challenge to win - and really this version is a challenge.
The board consists of 8x8 fields, the two players alternately put white and black stones onto the board. Your goal is to have the most stones at the end of the game
AvantGo Palm OS 4-Use AvantGo to synchronize specially designed mobile Web sites to your handheld using a desktop or wireless Internet connection. Get news, sports, stocks, movie listings from the world's top brands. Even designate your own favorite Web sites (workout schedules, family Web sites) or RSS feeds to synchronize to your handheld
HandWallet Basic Palm-free tool for tracking expense & income and for planning your budget.
With this freeware you will be able to track your:
- Bank accounts
- Credit cards (American Express, Visa, MasterCard and more)
- Saving / Loans Transactions
- Cash Payments
and more.
AppForge Booster Palm-truly delivers on our vision of an innovative and extensible architecture for mobile computing.
Along with many new features and performance enhancements, AppForge now enables you to write projects and compile them to the Palm OS and/or Pocket PC platform with a "one click" operation
Rats&Spears Palm OS 5-Enter the world of Rat Olympics and MSNBroadcast's coverages. Only here you will find cool sport action, real player's training process, raising skill level, several characters to choose from
Rats&Spears Clie-Enter the world of Rat Olympics and MSNBroadcast's coverages. Only here you will find cool sport action, real player's training process, raising skill level, several characters to choose from