Smaato Cost is a new useful tool, which helps you to stay up to date about your current mobile phone bill - directly on your device.
Smaato Cost allows in-depth tracking of your accumulated minutes, your transferred data volume and sent & received SMS.
Besides the capability of tracking international roaming Smaato Cost allows you to create multiple profiles for different SIM-cards and shows graphical statistics.
Tracking of all voice & data connections and SMS
NEW: Free downloadable carrier rate plans
Cost overview directly after each call
My Expense My Expense - This is very easy & simple to keep track all your daily expenses while you are on the road
Money Mirror Money Mirror - This is a handy (and popular!) freeware program to keep track of expenses for multiple accounts as well as currently available balances.
The application automatically keeps account balances current, and can be used for checking, savings, cash as well as credit card accounts.
Supports deposits, transactions among accounts, and payments
InMyPocket InMyPocket is a tool for students and teachers to help in learning to count money and introduce the student to the world of shopping.
The program features include:
A tutorial designed to introduce the user to the different denominations of money
Expenses for HanDBase Database for tracking expenses and reimbursements on business trips
Expense Ez Expense Ez - An extremely small, features-packed application for tracking all your expenses.
- Very compact in size (only 19k!!!), over 10 times smaller than other similar programs.
- On-screen calculator/keypad for Graffiti-free entry and calculation.
- Supports printing using PalmPrint/TealPrint.
- Supports color device.
- Supports High Resolution icon for OS5 device
Expense Report Wizard (Palm OS) Expense Report Wizard (Palm OS) is the fastest and easiest way to automatically create your expense reports, using your Windows Mobile Pocket PC. Enter your expenses wherever and whenever you want using our easy-to-use Expense Recorder software
mManagePro - Time/Billing Expense mManagePro - Time/Billing Expense is a complete mobile Time/Billing & Expense productivity application. A powerful asset for the mobile worker. No more lost infomation on scrap pieces of paper. It improves your cash flow and revenue stream. Produces higher productivity through the capture of time and expense details anywhere, anytime
CarECC - Car Easy Cost Control CarECC - Car Easy Cost Control - Do you want to know how much money you spent for your car ? Do you need informations about the changes of the actual year compared with the last year ? Then, you can check you car expenses, captured with CARLISDB (Car Log and Information Database), at a glance. See the amounts for selected periods or in bar chart or line diagram presentation
MoneyEZ MoneyEZ is a financial management application for your Palm OS.
- Simple and intuitive layout
- Easy to create and add accounts
Balance sheet
- MoneyEZ shows your nett worth always.
Take control of your spending
- Don't overspend anymore! Checking on your networth will keep your expenses on guard
Other Software by developer «Smaato Inc.»:
Smaato Cost Smaato Cost is a new useful tool, which helps you to stay up to date about your current mobile phone bill - directly on your device.
Smaato Cost allows in-depth tracking of your accumulated minutes, your transferred data volume and sent & received SMS
Smaato News Palm OS Smaato News - RSS reader for your smartphone.
The internet is full of information. Nowhere else you can find so much up-to-date knowledge.
And the best: most of this is free
Smaato News Smartphone Smaato News is a modern RSS-reader on your Smartphone.
Smaato News allows you to read the RSS-feeds of your favorite blogs, websites and other news sources while you're on the go.
Pre-defined feeds make it easy for you to get started but your personal feeds can be added as well