My Accounts - Save your account balances and transactions. Keep track of your checking, savings, mortgage, credit card, and other accounts. Holds each transaction and shows the current balance. Stores multiple account names, numbers, notes, plus automatically calculate balances from your adjustment entry. Sorts by account name and date.
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Supported operating systems:
Palm OS 3.x, Palm OS 4.x, Palm OS 5.x
eCheckRegister for Palm OS eCheckRegister for Palm OS helps you in keeping a track of your financial transactions associated with your Bank Accounts. The following information can be stored:
1. Account
2. Transaction Type
3. Check Number
4. Date
5. To/From
6. Amount
CheckBalance CheckBalance - Reconcile your bank statements painlessly with CheckBalance.
CheckBalance saves you time over using a calculator to reconcile your bank statements - you don't have to start all over if you make a mistake or miss a transaction.
-CheckBalance has a simple spreadsheet like interface for entering transactions
CashCptEdit CashCptEditt, will allow you to manage your bank accounts operations.
Edit operations within your PDA. Export them to your Desktop PC within CSV files for Financial soft, Money manager or spreadsheet.
This is a Freeware (even if it is the Beta version !).
Accounts : Definition of 10 accounts (Caracteristics, currency, IBAN, BIC..
MoneyTender MoneyTender - written for the Palm Computing Platform, is an account management program that places the emphasis on speed and ease of use. It allows management of up to sixteen different accounts, provides a method of easily entering repeating entries, and will automatically fill the payee field for any payee you've entered once
ATM Transaction Log ATM Transaction Log - Simple and small ATM transaction recorder for checkbook balancing No harmful info. recorded, just date, amt, trans number, and reason. Report to Windows Desktop as needed. Small footprint 74k. One report instead of many slips
Accounts and Loans Accounts and Loans - Winner of the Second Annual ZDNet PDA Software Award under the Palm OS: Finance category. This program helps you keep track of your bank accounts and your loans in one single application
EasySwipe Credit Card Processing Software EasySwipe Credit Card Processing Software - The Easy Swipe is the most comprehensive mobile credit card processing software available in the world today for the i705, Treo 180, Treo 270, and the Treo 600. This product was designed to increase sales and reduce credit card fees for businesses
Other Software by developer «LingleTech»:
Mini Consult Mini Consult - Tracks client name, service date, hours, amount, paid, billed, rate, and total. Includes two free utilities. The first allows you to view/print the data you've entered on your PC. The second allows you to transfer data to/from your PC
MiniRx MiniRx - Records user names, medication names, Rx#s, refills, costs, refill and alarm dates, quantities, dose, doctors, pharmacies, generics, and notes. Includes two free utilities.
Multi-user so you can store your information as well as anyone elses.
Links with your address book to find pharmacy or doctor phone numbers
Calert Calert - Sometimes you cannot answer or return a call when you get one. If you get sidetracked, you may forget to return the call. Avoid this by using Calert with Caller. These programs are specifically designed for the Treo Smartphone
Health Monitor Health Monitor - Find out which activity could be responsible for your health symptom. Shows average severity by symptom. Records symptom name, date, time, activity, severity, and any notes you may have. Includes 2 free utilities which allow you to transfer to/from your PC and the other which lets you view or print the data on your PC
MicroCron MicroCron - It's a big clock, timer, and stopwatch. Now you can use your Palm as a stopwatch, have it remind you to do something in so many minutes with your own message, or time any event. It even wakes up your Palm with a beep and message when the timer goes off
AllergyPDA AllergyPDA - By keeping track of symptoms, environments you're in and foods you eat, AllergyPDA can narrow down what you're allergic to. Only takes 38k, has list by symptom and date function, and includes 2 free utilites. The first lets you view/print the data on your PC. The second allows you to import/export the data to/from your PC
WipePDA WipePDA - Wipe deletes selected cache, history, and other files. Keeps your privacy after using your Palm. Frees memory. Wipe function overwrites Palm files with junk data so if it's undeleted, it will be useless. Select wipe for extra security and/or delete for quick clean file removal. Designed for PDA novices and expert users
My Minutes My Minutes - Keep track of your cell phone usage. This will help you from going over your limit and show you who you've been making most of your phone calls to. Define your own billing cycle and My Minutes will total your cell phone usage for that monthly cycle
MiniCrypt MiniCrypt - Encrypt/decrypt a note from/to your Palm's Memo Pad. Enter notes from your desktop to your Palm or your Palm to your desktop. No extra hotsyncing steps since it saves the notes in your Palm's Note Pad. Beam encrypted notes to another Palm user. The encrypted notes stay private even when on your PC