Firestorm Green (CLIE) for Zlauncher - The Firestorm for Zlauncher! Almost too hot to handle on your palm powered device. Real flame bitmap on tools panel with elegant Green & black fire Like paneling for the borders. Time bar is is a Green cylinder on the bottom bar. The path and menu buttons are exactly the same as the time bar. Detailed battery and memory indicators
Firestorm Green (Palm) for Zlauncher - The Firestorm for Zlauncher! Almost too hot to handle on your palm powered device. Real flame bitmap on tools panel with elegant Green & black fire Like paneling for the borders. Time bar is is a Green cylinder on the bottom bar. The path and menu buttons are exactly the same as the time bar. Detailed battery and memory indicators
Fitaly Skin Load for TX - Fitaly has been discontinued for Palm OS. However, a lot of users would like to use it on the Palm TX. Fortunately the T3/T5/LifeDrive version of FitalyVirtual works fine on the Palm TX, except it is unable to display the "skin", i.e., the Fitaly keyboard. FitalySkinLoad remedies this problem and thereby allows you to use Fitaly on the TX
FramedGel Theme for ZLauncher 3.x - Did you ever wish you had a nice soft gel pastel theme? Here is the theme for you.
This theme uses a nice soft-blue Base with Green Gel Buttons. Click on the button, and it turns from Green to Red. You can always look below to the graphic to see it on a 320x480 Hanheld display
Gant2 DIA Skin - This skin is for the Dynamic Input Area (DIA) of the T3.
Note: this Skin is ONLY compatible with Tungsten T3.
Read the included readme.txt for how to install / Uninstall this Skin.
Extended Keyboard versions added!
The skin is based on the excellent icons by mattahan and the ZLauncher skin made by Bandit
Gel Amber Theme for ZLauncher 3.x - The Registered Version of this theme comes with a matching Photoskin Virtual Graffiti Skin and Status Bar Skin.
Here is a great Gel Theme with easy to understand icons to give your PDA a simple but beautiful look. This theme works with ZLauncher 3.x and higher
Gel Aqua Blue Theme for ZLauncher 3.x - The Registered Version of this theme comes with a matching Photoskin Virtual Graffiti Skin and Status Bar Skin.
Here is a great Gel Theme with easy to understand icons to give your PDA a simple but beautiful look. This theme works with ZLauncher 3.x and higher
Gel Aqua Theme for ZLauncher 3.x - The Registered Version of this theme comes with a matching Photoskin Virtual Graffiti Skin and Status Bar Skin.
Here is a great Gel Theme with easy to understand icons to give your PDA a simple but beautiful look. This theme works with ZLauncher 3.x and higher
Gel Blue Red Theme for ZLauncher 3.x - The Registered Version of this theme comes with a matching Photoskin Virtual Graffiti Skin and Status Bar Skin.
Here is a great Gel Theme with easy to understand icons to give your PDA a simple but beautiful look. This theme works with ZLauncher 3.x and higher