AW English-Indonesian Dictionary (Palm OS) - English-Indonesian (Ingris-Indonesianya) Dictionary. 1963 entries. This dictionary contains the most used words
BEIKS Indonesian-English Dictionary for Palm OS - This compact and carefully selected Indonesian to English dictionary, features approx. 5,000 headwords, making it more than sufficient for the widest range of language reference needs
AW Indonesian-English Dictionary (Palm OS) - Indonesian-English (Indonesianya-Ingris) Dictionary. 1963 entries. This dictionary contains the most used words
BEIKS English-Indonesian Bidirectional Dictionary for Palm OS - The bi-directional BEIKS Indonesian dictionary features approx. 10,000 headwords in each direction, making it more than sufficient for the widest range of language reference needs
BEIKS English-Indonesian Dictionary for Palm OS - The compact and carefully selected English to Indonesian Dictionary, is an excellent choice for English travelers in Indonesia and of course for students. The English to Indonesian lexicon has over 18, 000 words and forms