LockAndKey - Some infernal mad scientist has stuck you in the middle of a maze to test your ability of excaping it. He's wondering whether you or the collective intelligence of thousands of rats will be better at excaping. Just for kicks, he's thrown in some of his geneticly engineered monstrosities.
Seriously, that's the best I can think up right now. In fact, while this game looks like a role playing game, there's no probability in the game at all, except for the initial layout. It's a randomly generated puzzle, which may or may not be solvable (sorry, I haven't figured out the solving algorithm yet, and in any case, it would probably take 10 minute for the Palm to determine if the puzzle is in fact solvable).
Doors must be unlocked with keys, which are randomly scattered about, and monsters block your way from moving to the next room. To win, you must find an exit on one of the outer walls of the maze (each outer wall has a door).
Movement and Action
PageUp, PageDown, PhoneBook, ToDo control movement. (Sorry early Zire owners, I don't have key re-mapping done yet).
That's it, actually, there's no other game-effecting action. All action is taken by moving your hero from one square to another, stepping on objects and either picking them up, interacting with them, or battling them (if they're monsters).
Other keys:
- Calendar - Toggles map view. You can move around in map view too, though it's hard to see, and you can't see over walls.
- Memo - New Game. I still need to put in an "Are you sure?" prompt. Currently it just happens immediately, which sucks if you don't want a new game. There's a growing desired feature list.
- Screen Tap - Tapping the base (not the top) of an item reveals it's statistics.
- Home - (or ApplicationManager) Exits the game. Game state is saved in the file LockAndKey.sav. The first time the program is started it may complain that this file doesn't exist. No worries, it'll make it for you.
- Hero - This is you. Tapping yourself gives you your current statistics.
- Door - Blocks your way. Stepping on it depletes your keys.
- Key - Opens a door. Increases your countof keys.
- Vender - A vending machine, which will sell you various usefull items.
- Coin - Something you can put in a vending machine.
- Green Potion - Increases your life, which is depleted by battling monsters.
- Red Potion - Increases your attack. Good for being able to hit monsters.
- Blue Potion - Increases your defense. Good for resisting damage from monsters.
- Rat, Guard. - Monsters. Step on 'em.
If your attack isn't higher than a monster's defense, you won't be able to hit it.If you would die in battle with the monster, you'll be warned instead.
Not being able to die, you may find yourself in a pickle where you can no longer do anything constructive. This would be the time to start a new game...
What's New in This Release:
· Monster placement based on probability histogram, on a per level basis.
· Added Zombies.
· Adjusted strength of Guard, Spider, and Skeleton.
· Fixed a graphics bug where generating a new game after viewing a message would corrupt the screen