PCARS Silverscreen Theme - Boldly go where no PDA has gone before with the Palm Computer Access and Retrieval System. Beam me a copy Scotty! The included backdrop is used courtesy of DigitalMind at deviantART.
Once uncompressed the theme folder contains files in BW, Color, SonyOS4 and OS5 flavors. HotSync the pcars
Tiny Town Silverscreen Theme - This Lilliputian burg lies hidden somewhere on the road from Palm Springs to Palm Beach.
Once uncompressed the theme folder contains files in BW, Color, SonyOS4 and OS5 flavors. HotSync the tinytown.pdb file from the appropriate folder to your device. Once installed Tiny Town will be listed in the Theme pick list of the Theme dialog
Taurus Silverscreen Theme - The second sign of the Zodiac is the first sign of suavity on your handheld device. That's no bull!
HotSync the taurus.pdb file from the appropriate folder to your device. Once installed Taurus will be listed in the Theme pick list of the Theme dialog
Subtle Backgrounds: Fall Leaves - Did you like jumping in the leaves when you were a kid? Need a matching background for your fall theme? Now you can. This is the first of four in my Seasons series - that means more to come soon! Install this to either your card or your internal memory - both work
TALKTOMYPALM - This is certainly one of the smallest Natural Language Processing (NLP Artificial Intelligence) system in the world which can work on PALM OS, POCKET PC or others system
Silver Technology - Silver Technology Skin For Aeroplayer. There are 4 resolutions available, 160x160, 320x320, 320x480 and 480x320.
This is a port of Elessar Barton's skin, SilverTechnology (w/ permission) for Trillian Pro. for more information, please refer to the readme file included with the download
HPBG Studio is a program easy to use and which will enable you to create in a few clicks all your Backgrounds and other images starting from any image jpg, bmp, ico, tif, pcx, png:
To resize your images you can use: Automatic standard size buttons ( 160 x 160, 320 x 320, 320 x 480, 480 x 480, 1028 x 468 ... ), Custom size button, Free selection with mouse..