MM ReversiPalmVersion: 1.0 Upload date: 23 Sep 06 Tags: Games
Reversi or Othello is a well known boardgame. It's easy to play, but a challenge to win - and really this version is a challenge.
The board consists of 8x8 fields, the two players alternately put white and black stones onto the board. Your goal is to have the most stones at the end of the game
PalmIshido is a free (GPL), polished and challenging tile-matching puzzle game with multiple full-color high resolution (OS 5 required for high resolution) board and piece sets (default, hieroglyphic and Ugaritic pieces are included), based on the rules of Ishido.
You place pieces on the board, one by one, beside existing pieces, hoping to get four-way matches
CaSTaway/Palm - Portable Atari ST for Palm OS
The Atari ST computer has a special place in my heart -- one of the first halfway modern GUI and mouse based computers with a megabyte of RAM, it was an excellent machine to hack around on
AckwirePalmVersion: 3.0.1 updated Upload date: 21 Sep 11 Tags: Games
Create hotel chains, become major shareholder, win a bonus for fusions
MustangPalmVersion: 1.1 Upload date: 29 Jul 07 Tags: Games
Mustang- Angle Code is used by the Bureau of Land Management to freeze brand Mustangs with year of birth and registration number.
The brand begins with a large mark resembling a U that indicates U.S. Govt. Registration. This is followed by two marks, one above the other, they indicate approximate year of birth (read top to bottom)
Sudoku by Eriksson - A rather simple but easy to use sudoku player in PocketC, this applet does not generate sudoku puzzles and it does not solve them for you. However, if you find a sudoku puzzle in a newspaper or on the web you can easily copy it to this player and then solve it by hand
TowersPalmVersion: 1.0 Upload date: 12 Jan 09 Tags: Games
Towers - In this game you have a stack of discs, from largest to smallest, that slide on to the first tower of a three tower board. Your goal is to move the entire stack of discs from the first tower to the third tower. However, you can only move the topmost disc of any tower, and smaller discs must always be placed on larger discs
Maze puzzles- 3 puzzles which must be solved in labyrinth. Three puzzles:
- Find the way. Simply find the door in labyrinth.
- Crook puzzle. Make all 9 columns the same.
- Pictures puzzle. Open all pictures on the walls