CalendarsTexts is an app which allows you to make compact text notes in dated folders based on a calendar interface. Tap the day on the calendar to view the files for that day. You can add a new file or you can tap on a current file to view/edit it in the viewer. NOTE: Set your storage card in the settings on first startup
CalendarsDistance is a date distance calculator application which works in a calendar interface. Tap on the start day on the top calendar and the end date on the bottom calendar and the program will display the number of days between the two dates
CalendarsTasks is an app which allows you to create, view and edit tiny task text files in a single folder based calendar interface. Select the day and tap the 'New Task' button to add a new task to the current day. The program stores the task in the storage folder with the start date as the start of the task
CalendarsVoice is an app which allows you to record voice notes in a calendar folder interface and store them on the storage card. Select the 'Storage Card' in the options on first start up. When you tap on a day a subfolder of the date will be created. You can record your voice with the built in voice recorder and re-play them back simply by tapping on the wave file name
NotificationIntervals allows you to enter a interval time (in Minutes) and calculates a schedule of the times when the program will notify you of an interval via the notification box. Enter the interval time in minutes and tap the button to set the timer. When the interval time passes the program will display a notification box
NotificationChime is a notification box chime that you can select to have your device notify you every 1, 5, 10, 15, 30 or 60 minutes. Select the chime interval and the program will display a notification window each time an interval passes. NOTE: This program must be run in the background
NotificationReminders allows you to compose text reminders and creates an APT file that alerts you when the reminder date/time. Select the storage folder to store the APT file and 'New' from the toolbar to create a new reminder. When the time is reached or passed the program will alert you via the notification box and delete the reminder
NotificationTimes allows you to create up to 5 notification 'reminders' and set a time for each. The program checks the time once a second (in the background) and when the time for the alert is up or has passed the program will alert you of the text for the alert. NOTE: You have to run this program works in the background
NotificationTimer is a count down timer with notification box alerter. Select the hours/mins for the alarm and enter the text. When you tap the button the timer will start and the program will count down the time. When the timer is finished the program will display a notification window in the current application with the alarm text
NotificationPowerprice allows you to build smart power meter time sheet(s) and alerts you via notification when the price for power changes. Select a new file and set the power price time schedule into the calendar. When the program is running in the background the program will alert you when the price for power changes. NOTE: This program must run in the background