PointCalc - SP program is designed to be an easy to use dieting point calculator. It calculates the point value for a food, keeps track of what you ate today and stores your favorite foods in a database. It calculates your allowed points for the day, exercise points, BMI and typical weight range for people your sex, height and build
MyPersonalDiet gives you the tools to reach you weight goal by providing simple means of tracking your food and workouts, monitor your health and get clear assessments of your efforts and results
Ultimate Anesthesia Quick Reference provides causes and treatments for perioperative events and is a resource for commonly encountered perioperative issues
Clinician's Pocket Drug Reference aims to identify the most frequently used and clinically important medications, including branded, generic, and OTC products.
Includes well over 1000 medications and is designed to represent a cross-section of commonly used products in medical practices across the country
The Guide to Off-Label Prescription Drugs - Did you know that one out of every four prescriptions written is off-label (not yet approved by FDA)? Off-label prescriptions are completely legal and are a vital alternative for optimal patient care. This application will let you quickly find information either by illness or medication
SpeedTracker - Designed and tested by an experiment Marathoner, SpeedTracker is dedicated to on-road and off-road Sport practice.
Directly available from your finger tip, Cycler, Runner, Roller, ... find a set of selected options to plan,control and manage workout sessions
First Aid Guide from MobileReference - An illustrated survival guide with step-by-step instructions, a world-wide list of emergency phone numbers, first aid techniques, and detailed description of what-to-do in over 60 medical emergency conditions. Navigate from Table of Contents or search for words or phrases
Nelson's Pocket Book of Pediatric Antimicrobial Therapy This popular and widely used resource on pediatric antimicrobial therapy provides instant access to reliable, up-to-the-minute recommendations for treatment of all infectious diseases in children