Clipboard Actions - is a handy tool to perform actions based on the copied text. This application displays the needed text in the status bar as a notification or a list. Moreover, this tool works in the background mode and almost doesn't consume energy
Remindee - is a simple program that is focused on application reminders. You can send a reminder to yourself for the future from any application installed on your smartphone. In this way you can remind yourself that you need to answer a message, or call a person back
Click Me - is a simple and handy reminder. It won't be hard to make a list to do or a reminder with this utility. It will require 2 taps only. Besides, you can share your reminder with friends as well as synchronize the application with your calendar (through e-mail)
Power Shade - is a simple way to change your device shade to the shade like in Android P. With this program you can create your own notification shade on the screen according to your taste and preferences. You can get access to selected options at one touch
Notisave - is an application to control notifications. You can remove notifications from the status bar and read them later, when you want this. Besides, messages read in the application will be marked unread in the messengers
Timeline - is an application for checking the history of notifications for all apps any time. With this program you can check what applications caused certain notifications in the past
Mr. Pillster - is an application for recording all medicines you and your family members should take. With its help you will never forget to take them. You can also get access to all corresponding information on any treatment
MyTherapy - is a secure application which will remind you about the necessity to have a medical procedure like taking medicine, health indicators measurement or exercising. Besides, the application saves and tracks information about your health as well as allows you to look through the reports on treatment dynamics
Notif Pro - Notif is a useful app which improves the notifications on Android Jelly Bean. With it, you can create rich notifications for reminders, passwords, lists, pictures and more