Scydo you can call free from/to android AND iphone Scydo users!
- You can use the Scydo App worldwide to make free calls as long as your friends and family have also installed the scydo application, so spread the word!
- Scydo offers straight peer-to-peer calls, so any calls tScydo contacts by using our voip-out service
- No hassle with usernames and emails; your friends' phone number is all you need to use Scydo!
- No additional buddy lists! Just use your regular contact list to select your Scydo contacts!
- Great sound quality! Scydo has access to the best networks and services, which beats out the quality of regular phone providers.
- We do NOT use your contact details or contact list for advertising purposes, nor do we share these details with any other parties!
known issues
- It's not possible to call mobyler, viber, skype or tango contacts, or chat to whatsapp or pingchat users!