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Best Organisation & Productivity Software for Oppo A83 Dual SIM TD-LTE CN
HTC Sync ABBYY Business Card Reader for Android
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New Organisation & Productivity Software for Oppo A83 Dual SIM TD-LTE CN
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Clipo: Clipboard managerClipo: Clipboard manager Android Version: 1.0
Upload date: 3 Apr 18
Tags: Organisation & Productivity
Clipo - offers fast and smart actions for the copied text and shows them as a notification in the swipe or in the intuitive list of the application.The copied text will automatically be saved to the note, which is called a clip in the application. Depending on the clip contents you can select different actions
SkyscannerSkyscanner Android Version: 1.0
Upload date: 3 Apr 18
Tags: Organisation & Productivity
Skyscanner - is an application for handy search for plane tickets, hotels and car hire. The utility compares prices on the websites of airline companies and agencies and offers you favorable conditions. The program will search for tickets in 1200 agencies and airline companies
Todoist: To-do lists for task management & errandsTodoist: To-do lists for task management & errands Android Version: 1.0
Upload date: 3 Apr 18
Tags: Organisation & Productivity
Todoist - is the best list to do application, available almost on any platform. This program helps to move all ideas and tasks from your head to the list to do any time, in any place and in each device. Besides, you will not need Internet connection
Clipboard actionsClipboard actions Android Version: 1.0
Upload date: 3 Apr 18
Tags: Organisation & Productivity
Clipboard Actions - is a handy tool to perform actions based on the copied text. This application displays the needed text in the status bar as a notification or a list. Moreover, this tool works in the background mode and almost doesn't consume energy
Mimicker alarmMimicker alarm Android Version: 1.0
Upload date: 15 Mar 18
Tags: Organisation & Productivity
Mimicker alarm - is a simple alarm application, which will surely make you wake up. It has 'Mimic' mini-game with the help of which you will wake up completely. The game will be different each new day so as you don't get used to it and don't fail to wake up
Private NotepadPrivate Notepad Android Version: 1.0
Upload date: 22 Oct 17
Tags: Organisation & Productivity
Private Notepad - is a simple notepad with a stylish design and function of fast adding, editing and deleting of notes. The application safely protects all data with the help of a password and unique system of coding. You can use a fingerprint in case your device supports such technology
InTouchApp: ContactsInTouchApp: Contacts Android Version: 1.0
Upload date: 22 Oct 17
Tags: Organisation & Productivity
InTouchApp: Contacts - is a network list of contacts with embedded search. Import data from your phone, set interesting statuses or create business cards. Thanks to smart sorting all contacts will be sorted out and synchronized on all connected devices
Simple Alarm ClockSimple Alarm Clock Android Version: 1.0
Upload date: 22 Oct 17
Tags: Organisation & Productivity
Simple Alarm Clock - is a smart alarm clock for mobiles and tablets which does what you exactly expect it to do. Besides, it has simple and intuitively comprehensive interface, has no needless functions. But it still has some extra options
Remind meRemind me Android Version: 1.0
Upload date: 22 Oct 17
Tags: Organisation & Productivity
Remind me - is a simple one function application which shows reminders in a status bar. It also shows reminders on the lock screen depending on the phone. This application was developed for those who often forget something to do or just doesn't want to miss something important
Telecapsule: Time CapsuleTelecapsule: Time Capsule Android Version: 1.3
Upload date: 19 Jun 17
Tags: Organisation & Productivity
Telecapsule: Time Capsule - don't miss important events of your life. Create time capsules where you can describe tasks, emotions or the nicest memories. Set parameters of date and time to send the message to yourself or family members. Leave marks with capsules on the map and share your impressions with other people
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Oppo A83 Dual SIM TD-LTE CN

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