Phone2Location is a Geo Location aware PhoneBook. It resolves telephone numbers in your call list to their geographic location. Phone2Location application automatically notifies you about the geographic location of incoming call number. It enables you to browse your contacts sorted by their geographic location
Free SMS - This application will let you write and send SMS messages using sms to email gateways. Furthermore, the message that you send from our application will not be billed as an SMS message, making it FREE! We have compiled a LARGE list of providers/carriers
UK News Online - The topmost online newspapers of UK in one application. More than 20 newspapers in a single app: BBC, Daily Express, Financial Times, London News, Independent, Metro, Mirror Online, Guardian, The Telegraph, Times, The Mail, The Sun and more.
What's New in This Release:
· More newspapers added. Improved colour scheme
Txt U L8r - To combat the dangers of texting while driving, Car and Driver brings you the Txt U L8r app. The application automatically responds to emails and texts so drivers can keep their eyes on the road and their hands on the wheel. In short, the Txt U L8r application allows drivers to focus on driving, not the latest incoming message
Deutsch News Online - Germany's topmost popular newspapers in one application. Easy one-touch access to all major newspapers in Germany: Bild, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Die Welt, Berliner Abendblatt, Suddeutsche Zeitung, Berliner Zeitung, Die Zeit, Deutsche Welle, Deutschland, German News, The Local (English), The Munich Times (English), Spiegel Online (English)
Chirp (Free) provides an quick and easy access to the Twitter mobile site. Place it on your Android home and you have one touch access to your Twitter account. Use Chirp to tweet your muse and check up on your friends.
Don't waste time tapping to the Android Browser bookmarks, searching for Twitter's mobile site. You can get there with one tap using Chirp