TimersDocument - TimersDocument lets you create text based alarms. Just enter the text for the alarm and set the time when the alarm should go off. The app then sets a notification to open the text file (in Pocket Word) when the timer is over. Note that the program does not power on the device on the alarm.
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Supported operating systems:
Windows Mobile 5.0, Windows Mobile 6 Classic, Windows Mobile 6 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.1 Classic, Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional, Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional
Kai's Alarm System.Net Kai's Alarm System.Net - This Alarm System acts on noises and informs you per SMS and/or Phone. Use this software solution absently at home, in your arbor or apply it as baby-phone
SKScheMa SKSchema is a multi-functional scheduler allowing to automatically perform different actions at the time specified as well as to perform actions depending on other programs being launched/closed. The program can be used as an advanced alarm clock and also as a reminder
Kai's Holiday Viewer Kai's Holiday Viewer - More than 45 holidays & remembrancedays per country
MultiTask Planner for WM 5.0 / WM 6.0 MultiTask Planner for WM 5.0 / WM 6.0 - Would you like to improve productivity? Set deadlines and get reminded of the days left...
Multi Task Planner is the solution for managing your Task and coordinating your team efforts.
Never miss a deadline again! Keep organized and get reminded with this versatile to-do list
VoiCErem VoiCErem - The main objective of VoiCErem is to record your important notes and remind you at the time you specified - all just by saying a few words. First, you must teach VoiCErem to understand your commands. Then you can record a memo and system automatically resolves WHAT is a memo and WHEN you want to be reminded
My Check List My Check List helps you to track Check Lists as List of Lists, especially built for persons dealing with multiple peoples/work in a single day.
Stop spending too much for just keeping a Check List in your PDA... Checkout our My Check List which is available to you for just $1
HTC Action HTC Action - Access your phones main features with just one finger tap on the screen. New SMS, New Task, New Appointment etc. are now easy to access with the new HTC Action. You can assign this little application to one of your hardware keys and have all those options on one click
Auto 3in1 Today Plugin Auto 3in1 Today Plugin will allow you to see reminders on your today screen.
Be sure to visit the Handango powered support site at www.pocketfleet.homeunix.com for tips, troubleshooting, great deals, free stuff and special discounts
Other Software by developer «Vincent Collura»:
TVLogs TVLogs - This program helps you to track the times when you watch TV. You can export the file to Pocket Word or IRDA it.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer. Simply unzip the file for your processor and place the DLL file in the 'Windows' folder of your PocketPC computer
PenanceTaps PenanceTaps - This program gets the penance from the PenanceCalculator via IRDA and you have to tap your absolution the number of times shown.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
CEBeans CityDefense CEBeans CityDefense The object of this game is to move your ship and bump the missiles with the side guns. You get 1 point for each ship you hit. If you miss a ship then the game is over.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
DTMFCallingCard DTMFCallingCard - DTMFCallingCard is a quick way of entering your calling card number to a phone booth or phone via DTMF. Set your calling card number in the 'Options'. When you want to call a person place the speaker of the PocketPC to the mouthpiece of the phone and tap the button to send the card number via DTMF
RhymingWelsh RhymingWelsh - This program allows you to enter a word or phrase and then searches for 'rhyming' words from the Welsh language. The program has 27,115 Welsh words in the database. Compiled from "The Project Gutenberg EBook of a Pocket Dictionary by Williams Richards"
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL
CookingChocolate2 CookingChocolate2 - This program is a database of 1,272 Chocolate recipes. Start typing the recipe name to display a list of cards. Tap on the card to open it. You can share your recipes in text format, IRDA or Email.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
PicketSign PicketSign - This program allows you to enter a picket sign to display. You can use the joypad to change the size of the display.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
BookMemoware BookMemoware - This program connects you Memoware.com/wireless, an online resource of eBooks. Tap the button while connected to the internet to download ebooks for your PocketPC.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer
DtmfButtoner DtmfButtoner - DtmfButtoner is a DTMF dialer for Windows Mobile. The app lets you enter a phone number and a DTMF code to be dialed once the number is reached. The program is useful when you call a number often that requires a DTMF extension/PIN.
The number and DTMF code can be configured in the options. The app sends the DTMF tones after the number is dialed
SkidooRace SkidooRace - The object of the game is to go to the end and back before the computer.
This program requires that you have both the 'BeanDLL.dll' file ** and ** the runtime files for Visual Basic on your PocketPC computer. Simply unzip the file for your processor and place the DLL file in the 'Windows' folder of your PocketPC computer