SmartScheme SmartScheme is a color scheme maker and color scheme editor that you can use directly use on your Smartphone SP 2003 devices. Choosing a specific color is simplified via a built-in palette, or advanced users can just specify the RGB components of the colors they want to use
Theme Changer Theme Changer- A free utility to change themes with system screen common in .cab themes. Also allows browsing backgrounds and changing backgrounds automaticly
Home Screen Install utility Home Screen Install utility - There are many home screen themes on the net that you can freely download or purchase.
Installing on to your phone normally may require a 'file explorer'. Our utility searches out the installers on your phone, lists them, and with a push of a soft key, install them.
1) Download and install our free Home Screen Install utility
Smart Resizer-SP Smart Resizer-SP - Using Smart Resizer You can easyly resize all your pictures for your device! For example for 500 images will need just 16 mb!
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Smart Resizer-PPC Smart Resizer-PPC - Using Smart Resizer You can easyly resize all your pictures for your device! For example for 500 images will need just 16 mb!
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