HTML Color Toy -A handy tool to help with generating Hex color codes for use in webpages and similar. Just slide the trackbars to mix colors in the box at the top, and the hex code for your desired color is shown underneath
A SOCKS proxy is a proxy server that is capable of forwarding nearly all types of network traffic, similar to a NAT router. It is very simple to use. Simply type in the port you would like the proxy server to listen on (defaults is 1080), then click the large "Start Proxy" button.
Some applications are SOCKS-ready and others are not
Smart IP - This is a nice tool for IT guys, working with network and security. This tool searchs for an IP address using a local compressed database from Maxmind. This database has 97% accurracy and therefore can give country, city, latitude, longitude, state, postal code with precision just based on an IP address. How to install
Install the cab, execute the application
CEAPI provides an interface for calling Windows CE API functions directly from PocketC. It includes a set of Windows compatible header files, some example PocketC programs and a library DLL that provides data type conversion where required. Supports all versions of Windows CE from version 2
HyperEdit is a HTML web design studio for your Windows Mobile device. It offers live previews in browser, large context menus with commands and a large no clutter area to work! This is perfect for anyone designing pages to be viewed on mobile devices
C# IDE Mobile-as its name implies, is a C# Integrated Development Environment which executes on Windows Mobile 5.0 or 6 with .NET Compact Framework 2.
It allows you to write programs using the C# language and the .NET 2.0 Compact Framework (.NET2CF). The program is parsed and executed at runtime (there is no compilation or link required).
Important note:
SQLite Viewer - SQLite Viewer is an open source application written with Basic4ppc that allows you to explore SQLite databases on the device. It also handles embedded images and binary data. It can be very useful when working with SQL databases
myExtensions- Add, edit, copy or delete registered filetypes on your PocketPC with ease. Main Features:
- Add new file extensions.
- Associate a registred file extension with another program.
- Delete unused file extensions.
- Copy registred filetypes.
- Change the icon of registred file extensions.
- Change description of filetypes