Curs Valuar - Consult exchange rates and make currency convertions based on the rates provided by the National Bank of Romania.
Official exchange rates for the Romanian market
Currency converter
Choice of displayed exchanges
The update of the exchange rates is performed once a day, after 1 PM, Monday to Friday
WattCost is a FREE utility that calculates the energy cost of an appliance based on its power consumption and average use. It can be used alone or as a companion for energy monitors like the Kill A Watt.
There are two usage modes available:
Watt: Use this mode if you know the energy consumption of an appliance, either from technical specifications or by measuring it
Delta Zakah Calculator - works as a storage for all your different types of income all through the year along with their dates and any data you would like to keep. The calculator then calculates the Zakah only on items that have passed a year and if you exceed the "Nisab"
Xchange R8 is a simple currency convertor. You can choose 3 currencies to be displayed and for the time being you have two WebServices available: Bank of Romania (for my Romanian friends) and Bank of England (for my other friends). Bank of England currency are accessed via the Export Technologies WebService.
You need of course an Internet connection
GasUpLogger is a nice little program that lets you follow and record your vehicles' fuel consumption. All you have to do is enter the mileage/kilometer reading and the amount of fuel.
The program is very well constructed, and does not calculate averages unless one fills up the tank. Makes sense.
It records data in files that can be exported in CSV format
CurrencyConv is an application for you to check out the currency rates and convert a sum from one currency to another. Usage Notes:
- Simply choose the three currencies you wish to view from the dropdown list.
- Type in the amount to convert for any of the three currencies
Home Expenses - A simple way to track your Home Expenses with advanced features right there in your Pocket PC. Features:
- Supports Windows Mobile 5.0 & Landscape mode operation.
- View the Progress Bar representation of each spent/active expenses representing its contribution towards the total